Changes to sysadmin dump_queue

The sysadmin dump_queue syntax has been modified to provide flexibility to stable queue management.

Enhancements to sysadmin dump_queue include:
  • An option to specify the server or database name instead of the queue number when identifying the stable queue to dump.

  • An option to specify the number of commands to dump.

  • Filtering options such as dumping only the begin and end commands of a transaction and dumping everything in the queue as comments except SQL statements.

  • The option to direct the output to the Replication Server log or to a user-defined log file.

  • An option to start the data dump from where the previous sysadmin dump_queue command stopped for that particular queue and session.

The modified sysadmin dump_queue syntax is:
sysadmin dump_queue {, q_number | server [,database]}, 
        {q_type,seg, blk, cnt
        [, num_cmds]
        [, {L0 | L1 | L2 | L3}]
        [, {RSSD | client | “log” | file_name}] |
        “next” [, num_cmds]}