Quoted Identifiers

In version 15.2, Replication Server enhances its support of quoted identifiers.

Object names that contain special characters such as spaces and nonalphanumeric characters, start with a character other than an alphabetic character, or that correspond to a reserved word, must be enclosed in double quote characters to be parsed correctly. These object names are referred to as quoted identifiers. Although Replication Server version 15.1 and earlier can accept quoted identifiers, forwarding quoted identifiers to data servers is not supported in these versions.

Note: To use quoted identifiers, you must use ECDA 15.0 ESD #3 or later.
As of Replication Server 15.2, quoted identifier support allows you to:

Embedded double quote characters in identifiers is not currently supported.

Data servers such as Adaptive Server, SQL Anywhere®, Microsoft SQL Server, Universal Database (UDB), and Oracle handle quoted identifiers differently in terms of supported length, special characters, and reserved words. In a heterogeneous environment, ensure that the quoted identifiers being replicated are valid on both the primary and replicate data servers.

Version Requirements

For replication of a quoted identifier to succeed, the primary Replication Server and the Replication Server that connects to the replicate data server version must be 15.2. However, intermediate Replication Servers in a route can be earlier versions.