Replicate Database Resynchronization

Database resynchronization allows you to rematerialize your replicate database and resume further replication without data loss or inconsistency, and without forcing a quiesce of your primary database.

Replication Agent Support

The full functionality of database resynchronization, such as automatic generation of the resync marker, requires Replication Agent support. Replication Agent 15.5 for Oracle supports the full functionality of database resynchronization. See Chapter 13, “Resynchronizing Oracle Replicate Databases” in the Replication Server Heterogeneous Replication Guide and the Replication Agent documentation.

RepAgent, the Replication Agent for Adaptive Server, is scheduled to support the full functionality of database resynchronization in a version later than Adaptive Server 15.5. See “Resynchronizing replicate databases,” in Chapter 7 in “Replication System Recovery” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2 to resynchronize Adaptive Server databases without support from RepAgent.

Product Compatibility

The following table lists the versions of Oracle, Replication Agent for Oracle, ECDA Option for Oracle, and ExpressConnect for Oracle that support the resynchronization of Oracle databases. With Replication Server Options 15.5, ExpressConnect for Oracle replaces ECDA Option for Oracle.

See the Replication Server Options documentation and the Replication Server Heterogeneous Replication Guide.

Product Compatibility for Resynchronizing Oracle Databases

Database Server Version

Replication Agent Version

ECDA Option Version

ExpressConnect Version

Oracle 10g, 11g

Replication Agent for Oracle 15.5

ECDA 15.0 ESD #3

ExpressConnect for Oracle 15.5

System Table Support

In the rs_databases table, the datatype of dist_status and src_status columns has been changed from tinyint to cs_int, and the “0x100 – waiting for a resync marker” status has been added to dist_status.