Reduce Replication Definitions for Customized Function Strings in Warm Standby and MSA Environments

In a replication system containing only Adaptive Server databases, you do not need to create replication definition for a primary table or stored procedure in a warm standby environment or multisite availability (MSA) environment if the sole purpose of the replication definition is to specify a customized function string for the replicate table or stored procedure.

With Replication Server 15.7, you do not need to create a replication definition for a primary table, in a warm standby environment or multisite availability (MSA) environment, if the sole purpose of the replication definition is to specify primary-key columns, or quoted table or column names. See Primary Key Columns and Quoted Table or Column Names in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.

With Replication Server 15.7.1, you can create a customized function string directly against a replicate or standby table or stored procedure without defining a replication definition for the table or stored procedure. This type of function string is called a target-scope function string, which further reduces requirements for replication definitions in a warm standby or MSA environment.

See Target-Scope Customized Function Strings in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.

Stored Procedure Support

Use the rs_helpobjfstring stored procedure to display information about target-scope function strings. See Replication Server Reference Manual > RSSD Stored Procedures > rs_helpobjfstring.

System Table Support

Replication Server introduces the rs_targetobjs system table to store information about target tables or stored procedures. Replication Server does not replicate the values in rs_targetobjs to the RSSDs of other Replictation Servers. rs_targetobjs is in the STS cache with (objname, objowner, dbid, objtype) as the STS primary cache key. Use sts_full_cache_rs_targetobjs to enable or disable full caching of the table:
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_targetobjs to {on|off}
The default for sts_full_cache_rs_targetobjs is off.

Replication Server changes the datatype for the attributes column in the rs_funcstrings table from smallint to int. .

See Replication Server Reference Manual > Replication Server System Tables > rs_targetobjs.