Dynamic SQL for enhanced Replication Server performance

Dynamic SQL in Replication Server enhances replication performance by allowing Replication Server Data Server Interface (DSI) to prepare dynamic SQL statements at the target user database and to execute them repeatedly. Instead of sending SQL language commands to the target database, only the literals are sent on each execution, thereby eliminating the overheads brought by SQL statement syntax checks and optimized query plan builds.

You can use dynamic SQL in a user database connection for a language command if:

Setting up the configuration parameters to use dynamic SQL

Configure dynamic SQL at a server or a connection level by issuing the following commands:

configure replication server 
set { dynamic_sql |
      dynamic_sql_cache_size |
      dynamic_sql_cache_management }
to value

alter connection to server.db
set { dynamic_sql |
      dynamic_sql_cache_size |
      dynamic_sql_cache_management }
to value

The server-level configurations provide the default values for the connections created or started in the future. For database level configurations:


Dynamic SQL has these limitations: