Sybase Adaptive Server (primary data base)

Use error.log to display a detailed problem description.

The error log file is $SYBASE_ASE/install/error.log, where $SYBASE_ASE points to the Adaptive Server Enterprise directory in the installation location.

To investigate the configuration of the primary database, use isql to log in to the primary database:

isql -S <Server_name> -U <username> -P <password>

For example, enter:

isql -S primary_db -U sa _P sa_pass
Table B-1: Adaptive Server commands



sp_start_rep_agent <dbname>

Start RepAgent

sp_stop_rep_agent <dbname>

Stop RepAgent

sp_setreplicate <tablename>, “true”

Set table for replication


Gives status of replicated tables

sp_setrepproc <proc_name>,function

Set proc for replication