

Gets the status of a specific connection.


ratool -status [ <connection_name> ]



The name of the connection you want to status for.


Example 1

You can use -status with the ratool options to display the status of a variety of parameters; for example, the port name, different passwords, and so forth. For example:

To get the status of RepToJMS:

ratool -status RepToJMS

Example 2

To get the status of all configured RepConnector connections for RepConnector running on “localhost”, listening on port 8080, connecting as user “repraadmin” with no password:

ratool -status

Example 3

To display debug logging information while running ratool, issue:

ratool -host machine1 -port8888 -user newuser -password newpassword -loglevel DEBUG -status

NoteBy default, if you do not specify -logfile, logging information is sent to standard output.

Example 4

If you are connecting to RepCoonnector running the the BEA default 7001 port you can run ratool:

ratool -port 7001 -user repraadmin -status


If you do not specify a connection name, you see the status of all connections. Status values for the connections are: