Creating or alter databases asynchronously

The syntax to create databases asynchronously is:

create [temporary] database database_name 
	[on {default | database_device} [= size] 
. . . 
	[with {override 
	| default_location = "pathname" [,[no]async_init] }
	[for {load | proxy_update}]

noasync_init indicates the database is initialized synchronously.The syntax to alter a database asynchronously is:

alter database database_name 
	[on {default | database_device } [= size]
. . . 
	[with override [,[no]async_init]]
	[for load]
	[for proxy_update]

noasync_init indicates that you are extending a database, and that Adaptive Server initializes the extended space synchronously.

Using the [no]async_init parameter for create or alter database overrides the settings for enable async database init.