Dump history file

Adaptive Server maintains the history of successful and failed backups from dump database and dump transaction commands in a dump history file. Adaptive Server reads the dump history file to restore a database, and generates the load database and load transaction sequences that are required to restore the database to a specific point in time.

Each Adaptive Server instance has a dump history file with information about all database dumps and server configuration dumps, successful or not. The default location of this file is the location specified with the -m startup parameter, or the $SYBASE directory if -m is not specified.

Back up dump history files with this syntax, where file_name is the name of your dump history file:

dump configuration with file = dump_hist

The default dump history file name is dumphist.

Each line in the dump history file represents a dump record. Dumping a database to many stripe devices results in dump records for each stripe device. Dump record fields are separated by tabs.

Dump records include information about:

The dump history file is read and written by Adaptive Server. The user starting Adaptive Server requires appropriate read and write permissions to the dump history file.