Diagnostic Enhancements for 'Proc Cache Header' Memory Pool

A new diagnostic tool for measuring 'Proc Cache Header' performance has been implemented.

Note: Use this tool only under the guidance of the SAP support team.
  1. Enable the diagnostic using:

    dbcc mempool("Proc Cache Header","enable diagnostics")
  2. To capture the diagnostic messages, enable the rapidlog configuration parameters:

    sp_configure 'enable rapidlog', 2
    sp_configure 'rapidlog buffer size', <size> 
    sp_configure 'rapidlog max files', <X> 
    The default size for rapidlog buffer size is 1024.

    The default size for rapidlog max files size is 99999999.

    The server does not need to be restarted.

  3. You can manually flush the buffer to the file by issuing:

    dbcc rapidlog("!FLUSH")

  4. Send the compressed $SYBASE/rapidlog* files to the SAP support team.

    The diagnostic output is saved to rapidlog* files under the $SYBASE directory.

To disable diagnostic use:

dbcc mempool("Proc Cache Header","disable diagnostics")