
Adaptive Server 15.7 SP100 introduces a new option in the sp_showoptstats system procedure to display information about precomputed result sets.

The syntax is:
[[database_name.[owner].]{table_name|prs_name}],[column_name], [h]

where prs_name is the name of the precomputed result set for which you are displaying statistics.

sp_showoptstats displays additional information when you specify:
This example shows sp_showopstats output for the prs1 precomputed result set:
sp_showoptstats prs1 
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                 Tues April 3 14:21:21 2012</procVersion>
    <serverVersion>Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.7.1/EBFXXXXX SMP
     ''/P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/asecarina/ENG/64-bit/DEBUG/Mon
     Jul 9 00:16:37 2012</serverVersion>
        <tableType>precomputed result set</tableType>
 . . .
