Unsupported Properties for Controls in Web Forms

Some PowerBuilder control properties cannot be used in applications deployed to ASP.NET.

This table lists unsupported properties, the controls on which they are not supported, and any notes that apply to specific controls. If your application uses these properties, rework it to avoid their use:
Property Controls for which the property is unsupported
Accelerator All controls
AccessibleDescription Most controls
AccessibleName Most controls
AccessibleRole All controls
AllowEdit DatePicker, DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox
AutoArrange ListView
AutoHScroll DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, EditMask, MultiLineEdit, SingleLineEdit
AutoSize MonthCalendar
AutoSkip EditMask
AutoVScroll EditMask, MultiLineEdit
BitmapBackColor Menu
BitmapGradient Menu
Border Window
BorderStyle RadioButton
BottomMargin RichTextEdit
ButtonHeader ListView
Center Window (supported in child, popup, and response windows)
ClientEdge Window
ColumnsPerPage UserObject, Window
ContextHelp Window
ControlCharsVisible RichTextEdit
ControlMenu DataWindow, Window (supported in child, popup, and response windows)
DeleteItems ListView, TreeView
DisableDragDrop TreeView
DisableNoScroll ListBox, PictureListBox
DisplayData EditMask
DisplayOnly MultiLineEdit (supported, but control cannot get focus when set to true)
DragAuto All controls
DragIcon All controls
DropDownRight DatePicker, EditMask
EditLabels TreeView
ExtendedSelect ListBox, ListView, PictureListBox
FillPattern StaticHyperLink, StaticText
FixedLocations ListView
FocusOnButtonDown Tab
FocusRectangle Graph, Picture, PictureHyperlink, StaticText, StaticHyperlink
FullRowSelect TreeView
GridLines ListView
HasButtons TreeView (false value not supported in RadControl TreeView, but supported in IE Web Control TreeView)
HeaderDragDrop ListView
HeaderFooter RichTextEdit
Height RoundRectangle (does not change height if width is changed first; for HTrackBar, this property has no effect in a Windows application, but does in a Web application)
HideSelection EditMask, ListView, MultiLineEdit, TreeView
HScrollbar ListBox, RichTextEdit, Window
HSplitScroll DataWindow
Icon DataWindow
IgnoreDefaultButton EditMask
IMEMode All controls
Increment EditMask
Indent TreeView (unsupported in RadControl TreeView, supported in IE Web Control TreeView)
InputField properties RichTextEdit
KeyboardIcon Window
LabelWrap ListView
LayoutRTL ListView, TreeView
LeftMargin RichTextEdit
LibraryName UserObject
Limit DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, EditMask
LinesAtRoot TreeView
LinesPerPage UserObject, Window
LiveScroll DataWindow
Map3DColors Picture, PictureButton, PictureHyperLink
MaxBox DataWindow, Window (supported in child, popup, and response windows)
MaxSelectCount MonthCalendar
MenuAnimation Menu
MenuBitmaps Menu
MenuTitles Menu
MenuTitleText Menu
MergeOption Menu
MicroHelp Menu
MinBox DataWindow, Window (supported in child, popup, and response windows)
MinMax EditMask
Modified RichTextEdit
OneClickActivate ListView
OriginalSize Animation
PaletteWindow Window
PictureAsFrame RichTextEdit
PictureHeight TreeView
PictureWidth TreeView
PopMenu RichTextEdit
Render3D Graph
Resizable DataWindow, RichTextEdit, Window
RightMargin RichTextEdit
RightToLeft DataWindow, DatePicker, DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, ListBox, ListView, MonthCalendar, PictureListBox, StaticText, StaticHyperlink, TreeView, Window
RulerBar RichTextEdit
Scrolling ListView
ScrollRate MonthCalendar
SelectedStartPos RichTextEdit
SelectedTextLength RichTextEdit
ShowHeader ListView
ShowList DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox
ShowToolbarText Window (supported, but width of text is changed)
ShowUpDown DatePicker
SingleExpand TreeView
SliderSize HTrackBar, VTrackBar
SmoothScroll HProgressBar, VProgressBar (smooth scrolling is supported, but not step increments)
Spin EditMask
StatePictureHeight TreeView
StatePictureWidth TreeView
StatusBar RichTextEdit
Style UserObject
TabBackColor UserObject
TabBar RichTextEdit
TabStop EditMask, ListBox, MultiLineEdit, PictureListBox
TickFrequency HTrackBar, VTrackBar
TickMarks HTrackBar, VTrackBar
Title DataWindow
TitleBackColor Menu
TitleBar DataWindow, Window
TitleGradient Menu
TodaySection DatePicker, MonthCalendar
ToolbarAlignment Window
ToolbarAnimation Menu
ToolBarFrameTitle Application
ToolBarHeight Window
ToolbarItemDown Menu
ToolbarItemDownName Menu
ToolbarItemSpace Menu
ToolBarPopMenuText Application
ToolBarSheetTitle Application
ToolBarUserControl Window
ToolBarWidth Window
ToolBarX Window
ToolBarY Window
TopMargin RichTextEdit
TrackSelect ListView, TreeView
Transparency DataWindow object, Window
TwoClickActivate ListView
UnderlineCold ListView
UnderlineHot ListView
UnitsPerColumn UserObject, Window
UnitsPerLine UserObject, Window
UseCodeTable EditMask
VScrollbar RichTextEdit, Window
WeekNumbers DatePicker, MonthCalendar
Width VTrackBar (has no effect in a Windows Form application, but does in a Web Forms application)
WordWrap RichTextEdit