Restrictions on Supported Controls

Almost all PowerBuilder controls are supported in .NET Web Forms applications. However some of the methods and properties on supported controls do not work in Web Forms applications.

Unsupported functions, events, and properties

This table lists functions, events, and properties that are not supported on any control:
Category Unsupported feature
Control Functions Clear (supported for EditMask controls), Cut, Copy, Paste, CanUndo, Undo, Drag, Print (can be used for DataWindows and DataStores to print to PDF files), SetActionCode, and SetRedraw
Events Drag and drop events, GetFocus, LoseFocus events (supported when a call to the SetFocus function causes the focus change) Help event MouseMove event Other event
Properties Accelerator AccessibleDescription AccessibleName AccessibleRole DragAuto DragIcon IMEMode

Additional unsupported functions, events, and properties by control

This table lists the functions, events, and properties that are not supported on some individual objects or controls. It does not include the items listed in the table under Unsupported functions, events, and properties .

The entry "No additional" in this table indicates that all items except those listed in the previous table are supported for that control:
Supported object or control Unsupported functions Unsupported events Unsupported properties
Animation (Playback behavior depends on Windows Media Player on client side.) Play (supported, but parameters ignored), Seek Click, DoubleClick, Help, Start, Stop OriginalSize, Transparent
ClassDefinition No additional No additional LibraryName, VariableList (supported, but the sequence of variables might differ in .NET applications)
DataStore Same as DataWindow control Destructor, Error, ItemChanged, PrintEnd, PrintPage, PrintStart No additional
DataWindow control AcceptText CopyRTF, PasteRTF Find, FindNext GenerateHTMLForm GenerateResultSet GetStateStatus GetRichTextmethod GetText ImportClipboard InsertDocument LineCount OLEActivate Position PrintCancel ReplaceText ResetInk SaveInk functions Scroll Selected functions SelectText functions SetActionCode SetCultureFormat SetDetailHeight SetFocus SetRedraw SetRichTextmethod SetText ShowHeadFoot TextLine EditChanged GetFocus LoseFocus PrintEnd PrintMarginChange PrintPage PrintStart RichTextCurrentStyleChanged RichTextLimitError RichTextLoseFocus ScrollHorizontal ScrollVertical (The Clicked event is not triggered on editable text columns that already have focus. See Partially supported control events. ControlMenu HSplitScroll Icon LiveScroll MaxBox MinBox Resizable RichTextToolbarActivation RightToLeft Title TitleBar
DataWindow object (See DataWindow support for a list of controls that are not supported in a DataWindow object. See Controls in DataWindow objects for unsupported properties of controls that you can place in a DataWindow object.) Has no functions Has no events Bandname.Gradient.Property Bandname.Height.Autosize Bandname.Pointer Bandname.Text Brushmode Grid.ColumnMove Header.#.Suppress Help.Property HorizontalScrollProperty HideGrayLine Label.Ellipse_Property Label.Shape (support rectangle shape only) OLE.Client Picture.Property Pointer Print.Preview.Property Retrieve.AsNeeded RichText.Property Row.Resize Sparse Storage.Property Transparency Tree.Property VerticalScrollProperty Zoom
DataWindowChild Same as DataWindow control Has no events No additional
DatePicker GetCalendar Clicked CloseUp DoubleClicked DropDown UserString ValueChanged AllowEdit DropDownRight RightToLeft ShowUpDown TodaySection WeekNumbers
DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox DirList (supported, but can only include files from the virtual file system) Position ReplaceText SelectedLength SelectedStart SelectedText SelectText DoubleClicked AllowEdit AutoHScroll Limit RightToLeft ShowList
EditMask CanUndo LineCount LineLength Position ReplaceText Scroll SelectedLength SelectedLine SelectedStart SelectedText SelectText TextLine Undo No additional AutoHScroll AutoSkip AutoVScroll DisplayData DropDownRight HideSelection IgnoreDefaultButton Increment Limit MinMax Spin TabStop UseCodeTable
Graph Clipboard GetDataLabelling GetDataTransparency GetSeriesLabelling GetSeriesTransparency ImportClipboard ImportFile SaveAs SetDataLabelling SetDataTransparency SetFocus SetSeriesLabelling SetSeriesTransparency No additional FocusRectangle Render3D
HProgressBar No additional DoubleClicked SmoothScroll
HScrollBar No additional RButtonDown No additional
HTrackBar SelectionRange No additional SliderSize TickFrequency TickMarks
ListBox DirList (supported, but can only include files from the virtual file system) SetTop Top DoubleClicked DisableNoScroll ExtendedSelect RightToLeft TabStop
ListView Arrange EditLabel FindItem (partial support: see Control functions with partial support) GetItemAtPointer GetOrigin SetOverlayPicture BeginDrag BeginLabelEdit BeginRightDrag DeleteAllItems EndLabelEdit ItemActivate Key RightClicked RightDoubleClicked Sort AutoArrange ButtonHeader DeleteItems ExtendedSelect FixedLocations GridLines HeaderDragDrop HideSelection LabelWrap LayoutRTL OneClickActivate RightToLeft ShowHeader TrackSelect TwoClickActivate UnderlineCold UnderlineHot
ListViewItem No additional No additional CutHighlighted DropHighlighted ItemX ItemY
MailFileDescription No additional No additional FileType Position
MailMessage No additional No additional ConversationID DateRecieved MessageType MessageSent ReceiptRequested Unread
MailRecipient No additional No additional EntryID
MailSession MailDeleteMessage MailGetMessages MailHandle MailLogon MailLogoff MailReadMessage MailRecipientDetails MailResolveRecipient MailSaveMessage (For MailSend restrictions, see Mail support.) No additional MessageID SessionID
Menu No additional Selected (Can be supported for simple tasks that are run prior to the rendering of Web Forms in a client browser. See Partially supported control events.) BitmapBackColor BitmapGradient MenuAnimation MenuBitmaps MenuImage MenuTitles MenuTitleText MergeOption MicroHelp TitleBackColor TitleGradient ToolbarAnimation ToolbarItemDown ToolbarItemDownName ToolbarItemSpace
MonthCalendar GetDisplayRange Clicked DoubleClicked AutoSize MaxSelectCount RightToLeft ScrollRate TodaySection WeekNumbers
MultiLineEdit LineCount LineLength Position Scroll SelectedLine SelectedStart TextLine RButtonDown AutoHScroll AutoVScroll HideSelection TabStop
Picture No additional No additional FocusRectangle Map3DColors
PictureButton No additional No additional Map3DColors
PictureHyperLink No additional No additional FocusRectangle Map3DColors
PictureListBox DirList (supported, but can only include files from the virtual file system) SetTop Top DoubleClicked DisableNoScroll ExtendedSelect RightToLeft TabStop
RadioButton No additional No additional BorderStyle
RichTextEdit CopyRTF DataSource Find FindNext GetAlignment GetParagraphSetting GetSpacing GetTextColor GetTextStyle InputField functions InsertDocument (supported for TXT format only) InsertPicture IsPreview LineCount LineLength PageCount PasteRTF Position Preview PrintEx ReplaceText SaveDocument (seePartial support for SaveDocument function ) Scroll functions Selected functions SelectText functions Set functions (except SetFocus, which is supported) ShowHeadFoot TextLine DoubleClicked FileExists InputFieldSelected Key Modified Mouse events PictureSelected RButtonUp Accelerator BottomMargin ControlCharsVisible HeaderFooter HScrollbar InputField properties LeftMargin Modified PictureAsFrame PopMenu Resizable RightMargin RulerBar SelectedStartPos SelectedTextLength StatusBar TabBar TopMargin VScrollBar WordWrap
ScriptDefinition No additional No additional AliasName ExternalUserFunction (not supported for system functions; supported for external functions only) LocalVariableList Source SystemFunction
SimpleTypeDefinition No additional No additional LibraryName
SingleLineEdit No additional RButtonDown AutoHScroll HideSelection
StaticHyperLink No additional No additional FillPattern FocusRectangle RightToLeft
StaticText No additional No additional FillPattern FocusRectangle RightToLeft
Tab No additional DoubleClicked RightDoubleClicked Alignment (supported in TabsOnTop style when ShowPicture is set to false) FixedWidth (supported in TabsOnTop style, single-line mode) FocusOnButtonDown Multiline (supported in TabsOnTop style) Perpendicular (supported in single-line mode) RaggedRight (supported in TabsOnTop style; always true inTabsOnLeft style) TabPosition (Enum values supported for TabsOnTop and TabsOnLeft only)
TreeView AddStatePicture DeleteStatePicture DeleteStatePictures EditLabel GetItemAtPointer SetDropHighlight SetFirstVisible SetLevelPictures SetOverlayPicture BeginDrag BeginLabelEdit BeginRightDrag EndLabelEdit Key Notify RightDoubleClicked Sort DeleteItems DisableDragDrop EditLabels FullRowSelect HasButtons (False value unsupported for RadControl TreeView; supported in IE Web Control TreeView) HideSelection Indent (Unsupported for RadControl TreeView; supported in IE Web Control TreeView) LayoutRTL LinesAtRoot PictureHeight PictureWidth RightToLeft SingleExpand StatePictureHeight StatePictureWidth TrackSelect
TreeViewItem No additional No additional Bold CutHighlighted DropHighlighted ExpandedOnce HasFocus OverlayPictureIndex Selected
TypeDefinition No additional No additional LibraryName
UserObject AddItem DeleteItem EventParmDouble EventParmString InsertItem No additional ColumnsPerPage LibraryName LinesPerPage Style TabBackColor UnitsPerColumn UnitsPerLine
VariableDefinition No additional No additional OverridesAncestorValue Supported only for descriptions of instance variables: IsConstant ReadAccess WriteAccess Supported only for descriptions of instance variables and primitive-type properties, such as int, string, long, and so on: InitialValue
VProgressBar No additional DoubleClicked SmoothScroll
VScrollBar No additional RButtonDown No additional
VTrackBar SelectionRange No additional SliderSize TickFrequency TickMarks
Window DDE functions GetToolbar GetToolbarPos InputField functions SetMicroHelp SetToolbar SetToolbarPos DDE events Deactivate DoubleClicked Hide Key Mouse events SystemKey ToolbarMoved Border, ClientEdge ColumnsPerPage ContextHelp HScrollbar KeyboardIcon LinesPerPage PaletteWindow Resizable RightToLeft TitleBar Toolbar properties (except ToolbarVisible) Transparency UnitsPerColumn UnitsPerLine VScrollbar

Supported for child, popup, and response windows only: Center ControlMenu MaxBox MinBox

Partial support for SaveDocument function

The SaveDocument function for RichTextEdit controls is supported for the TXT format, but HTML tags are saved in the text file. SaveDocument can also save text and images to HTML and DOC file formats, however, it cannot correctly save Unicode characters in these file formats. SaveDocument does not support RTF or PDF formats in Web Forms applications.

Controls in DataWindow objects

This table lists the properties that are not supported in Web Forms applications for controls that you can place in a DataWindow object:
Control in DataWindow Unsupported properties
Button AccessibleProperty, Background.Brushmode, Background.Gradient.Property, Background.Transparency, Font.Escapement, Font.Width, HideSnaked, Moveable, Pointer, Resizeable, SlideLeft, SlideUp, Tooltip.Property, Transparency, VTextAlign
Column AccessibleProperty, Background.Brushmode, Background.Gradient.Property, Background.Transparency, CheckBox.Scale, CheckBox.Other, ddlb.AllowEdit, ddlb.Limit, ddlb.ShowList, ddlb.Sorted, ddlb.UseAsBorder, dddw.AllowEdit, dddw.Lines, dddw.PercentWidth, dddw.ShowList, dddw.UseAsBorder, Edit.AutoHScroll, Edit.AutoVScroll, Edit.Case, Edit.HScrollBar, Edit.VScrollBar, EditMask.CodeTable, EditMask.DDCal_Property, EditMask.SpinProperty, Font.Escapement, Font.Width, Height.Autosize, HideSnaked, Ink.Property, InkEdit.Property, Moveable, Pointer, RadioButtons.Scale, Resizeable, SlideLeft, SlideUp, Tooltip.Property, Transparency, UseEllipsis
Computed field AccessibleProperty, Background.Brushmode, Background.Gradient.Property, Background.Transparency, Font.Escapement, Font.Width, Height.Autosize, HideSnaked, Moveable, Pointer, Resizeable, SlideLeft, SlideUp, Tooltip.Property, Transparency
Graph AccessibleProperty, HideSnaked, Moveable, Pointer, Render3D, Resizeable, SlideLeft, SlideUp
Group box AccessibleProperty, Background.Brushmode, Background.Gradient.Property, Background.Transparency, Font.Escapement, Font.Width, Moveable, Pointer, Resizeable, SlideLeft, SlideUp, Tooltip.Property, Transparency
Line (diagonal line is unsupported) Background.Brushmode, Background.Gradient.Property, Background.Transparency, Moveable, Pen.Style, Pen.Width, Pointer, Resizeable, SlideLeft, SlideUp, Tooltip.Property
Picture AccessibleProperty, HideSnaked, Invert, Moveable, Pointer, Resizeable, SlideLeft, SlideUp
Rectangle Background.Brushmode, Background.Gradient.Property, Background.Transparency, Brush.Hatch, Moveable, Pen.Style, Pen.Width, Pointer, Resizeable, SlideLeft, SlideUp, Tooltip.Property
Report Border, Height.Autosize, Height, HideSnaked, Moveable, NewPage, Pointer, Resizeable, SlideLeft, SlideUp, Trail_Footer
Text AccessibleProperty, Background.Brushmode, Background.Gradient.Property, Background.Transparency, Font.Escapement, Font.Width, HideSnaked, Moveable, Pointer, Resizeable, SlideLeft, SlideUp, Tooltip.Property, Transparency