Viewing and Modifying Global Properties in the IIS Manager

Although you set global properties for a Web Forms application on the Configuration page of the Project painter before you deploy the project, you can also view and modify the global properties in the IIS Manager after the project is deployed.

For information about global properties generated with a PowerBuilder .NET Web Forms project, see Global Web Configuration Properties.

  1. In the left pane of the IIS Manager, expand the nodes until you see the node for the Web Forms application whose properties you want to examine.
  2. Right-click on the Web Forms application and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
  3. Click the ASP.NET tab and change the ASP.NET version to 2.0.50727 (for 12.0 and earlier) or 4.0.30319 (for 12.5) if necessary.
  4. Click Edit Configuration.
    The ASP.NET Configuration dialog box for the current .NET Web Forms application appears. You can view its global properties in the list box at the bottom of the General tab.
    Note: You modify a global property by selecting that property in the Application Settings list box and clicking Edit. You can then type in a new value for that property and click OK. The next time you run the Web Forms application, the new global property value is used.