Borrowing Licenses Using lmutil lmborrow

Learn how to borrow a license using lmutil lmborrow.

  1. Shut down the SySAM-enabled products for which you want to borrow licenses.
  2. Run the following commands: for each license you want to borrow, where borrow-end-date (dd-mon-yyyy) is the date on which you want the borrowed license to expire, and borrow-end-time (optional) is the 24-hour clock time (hh:mm) at which you want the borrowed license to expire:
    lmutil lmborrow SYBASE borrow-end-date [borrow-end-time]
    For example, to borrow a license that expires at 1 PM (13:00) on August 20th, 2012, enter:
    lmutil lmborrow SYBASE 20-aug-2012 13:00
    Note: To continue using a SySAM-enabled served-license product offline, without interruption, you must renew the borrowed license before the license expires.
  3. Restart your SySAM-enabled products; licenses are borrowed on the product machine for offline use.
  4. Before running any product for which you do not want to borrow licenses, enter:
    lmutil lmborrow -clear
  5. Disconnect from the network.
To determine the status of a license borrowed for a SySAM-enabled product’s offline use, enter:
lmutil lmborrow -status