Parallel LTL Formatting

Replication Agent can now format log transfer language (LTL) commands in parallel, improving performance on machines with multiple processors.

The LTL formatter is an internal component of Replication Agent that converts change sets into LTL commands. In versions earlier than 15.6, the LTL formatter has been a performance bottleneck because items in the log transfer interface (LTI) queue could be processed only serially. Replication Agent 15.6 provides a multithreaded LTL formatter that processes items in the LTI queue in parallel. This may improve performance on machines with multiple processors.

Replication Agent LTL Formatting
Replication Agent internal architecture

Replication Agent 15.6 uses two configuration parameters for configuring the size of the LTI queue and the number of LTL formatter threads: lti_max_buffer_size and lti_formatter_count, which is a new parameter. Replication Agent 15.6 also provides new LTI statistics to assist you in performance and tuning.