
Messages are grouped by range and include all attributes associated with the error or warning. To find information about a message, choose the appropriate page.

Row Name Description

Error or Warning

Error number and full text of the message.


Unique string constant for each message.

SAP Sybase Error Number

SAP Sybase error numbers are a set of error codes used by all SAP Sybase products.

For every error code returned by SAP Sybase IQ, there is a pair of matching SQLCODE and SQLSTATE codes. Some error codes are not unique. Many of the errors contain the characters %1, %2 and so on. These are replaced by the parameters to the error message.

SQL State

SQLSTATE error codes are defined by the SQL/92 standard. Each SQLSTATE value is a 5-character string containing a 2-character class followed by a 3-character subclass.

Each character can be one of the uppercase letters A through Z or the digits 0 through 9. A class that begins with A through H or 0 through 4 has been defined by the ANSI standard; other classes are implementation defined. Similarly, subclasses of standard classes that start with the same characters (A-H, 0-4) are standard. The subclass 000 always means that no subclass code is defined. The most common SQLSTATE value is 00000, which indicates successful completion.

SQL Code

SQLCODE is a numeric code associated with an exception. Negative codes are considered errors; positive codes are warnings.

If a SQLCODE has both a negative and a positive value, the first message listed is 'Warning nnn' (the positive SQLCODE), then 'Error nnn' (the negative SQLCODE). The SQLCODE 0 indicates successful completion.

ODBC 2 State

ODBCSTATE 2 is set to OK or ERROR.

ODBC 3 State

ODBCSTATE 3 is set to OK or ERROR.

Severity Codes

Each numbered error message has an associated severity level that indicates the seriousness of the problem.


Many error messages contain the characters %1, %2, and so on. These characters are replaced by the parameters to the error message.

Probable Cause

Probable Cause tells you what the problem is, and may suggest how to fix it.