Messages 20741 through 20760

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
20741 Error QDA81 -1000081L "The field array for table '%2' must have at least 1 entry; it has %3 entries. %1" This is an internal error. At least one column must be specified to populate a join index. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20742 Error QDA82 -1000082L "The insert must contain all of the table %2 columns because it participates in one or more joins. %1" If a table participates in a join, then the user cannot load data into that table using a partial width insert.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20743 Error QDA83 -1000083L "The field array entry must be given a name. %1" This is an internal error. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20744 Error QDA84 -1000084L "The %2th join field array entry for table '%3' must have a name. %1" This is an internal error. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20745 Error QDA85 -1000085L "The join field array for table '%2' must have at least one entry. %1" This an internal error. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20746 Warning QDA86 1000086L "Length %1 %2%3%4" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20747 Warning QDA87 1000087L "Delimiter %1 %2%3%4" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20748 Warning QDA88 1000088L "Offset %1, Length %2, %3 nulls, %4%5%6 %7" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20749 Warning QDA89 1000089L "Length %1, %2 nulls, %3%4%5 %6" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20750 Warning QDA90 1000090L "%1, %2 nulls, %3%4%5 %6" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20751 Warning QDA91 1000091L "%1, %2 nulls, %3%4%5 %6" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20752 Error QDA92 -1000092L "Table %2 must have a name for the join field array. %1" This is an internal error. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20753 Warning QDA93 1000093L "%1, %2 nulls, %3%4%5 %6" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20754 Error QDA94 -1000094L "Sufficient memory cannot be found for the LOAD. Increasing the Load_Memory_MB or decreasing the BLOCK FACTOR or BLOCK SIZE will allow the LOAD to proceed. %1" When the user explicitly sets Load_Memory_MB, the LOAD process applies various heuristics for load parameters in an attempt to find a combination such that the memory required is not more than what the user specified. For a fixed width LOAD, BLOCK FACTOR indicates the minimal number of rows that must be read into memory for each read. The default BLOCK FACTOR is 10,000. Decreasing the BLOCK FACTOR will make the LOAD's internal memory requirements smaller. For a variable length input LOAD, BLOCK SIZE represents the size in bytes in which input data should be read. The default BLOCK SIZE is 500,000 bytes. Decreasing the BLOCK SIZE for a variable width input load will reduce LOAD's memory requirements. Alternatively, the Load_Memory_MB option setting could be raised.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20755 Warning QDA95 1000095L "The join index %1 could not be used in the query because it needs synchronization." A join index was found to help execute the query, but it could not be used because it requires synchronization. Use the SYNCHRONIZE command to synchronize the join index.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20756 Warning QDA96 1000096L "Delimiter %1 %2 nulls, %3%4%5 %6" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20757 Error QDA97 -1000097L "Parse Error in Command String at '%2'. %1" Consult the IQ reference manual for the DBCC grammar

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20758 Error QDA98 -1000098L "Creating a join index on a column of type 'varchar' or 'varbinary' with size > 255 is not supported. %1" IQ does not support creating a join index on columns that are of datatype 'varchar' whose size is greater than 255.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20759 Error QDA99 -1000099L "The PAGE SIZE divided by the BLOCK SIZE must be equal to 2, 4, 8, or 16. DATABASE: %2 PAGE SIZE: %3 BLOCK SIZE: %4 %1" (PAGE SIZE)/(BLOCK SIZE) must be one of 2, 4, 8, 16. Adjust the PAGE SIZE or the BLOCK SIZE in the CREATE DATABASE statement.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20760 Error QDB00 -1000100L "Cannot INSERT, LOAD, or UPDATE a join virtual table. %1" The user is not allowed to INSERT to or LOAD a join virtual table. Instead you must INSERT to or LOAD the tables which participate in the join and and execute the SYNCHRONIZE command.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: