Messages 20981 through 21000

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
20981 Error QXA08 -1010008L "For an IQ PAGE SIZE of %2, the dbspace '%3' must have at least %4 MB. %1" The named dbspace must have the stated minimum size in megabytes.

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20982 Error QSB33 -1009133L "You have run out of space during the CHECKPOINT operation. %1" The checkpoint operation in progress needs to allocate blocks so that it can construct and save required checkpoint information. When space is exhausted during a checkpoint operation, it is not possible to add more space via a CREATE DBSPACE command. Consequently, the checkpoint operation will fail.

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20983 Error QCA91 -1013091L "Column pairs %2=%3 could not be matched. %1" The columns specified in CREATE JOIN could not be matched in the tables specified.

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20984 Error QCA92 -1013092L "The MONITOR for this database, connection and buffer cache already exists. %1" A monitor has already been started for this database, connection and buffer cache.

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20985 Warning 00A93 1013093L "Insert started: %1\n" This is an informational message displayed during insert.

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20986 Error QCA94 -1013094L "A matching column can not be found for the foreign keys in %2. %1" This message is returned during CREATE JOIN INDEX when the KEY options is used. Be sure that the tables specified in the join have foreign keys pointing to the table in the message.

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20987 Error QCA95 -1013095L "CREATE JOIN does not support joining joins. %1" This message is returned during CREATE JOIN INDEX when the left hand side and right hand side of a 'FULL OUTER JOIN' keyword set are both joins ie (A FOJ B) FOJ (C FOJ D) the join of a-b is being joined to c-d.

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20988 Error QCA96 -1013096L "Index %2 could not be created. The datatype does not support an index of %3. %1" You cannot create an index of the type specified for the column's datatype.

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20989 Error QTA18 -1005018L "Illegal ORDER BY item %2, %1" No additional information available.

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20990 Error QNA12 -1008012L "This unique index/constraint must be ENFORCED." This unique index/constraint must be ENFORCED (The UNENFORCED keyword not allowed for this index/constraint).

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20991 Error QNA13 -1008013L "This multi-column unique index/constraint must be UNENFORCED." This multi-column unique index/constraint must be UNENFORCED (The UNENFORCED keyword is required for this index/constraint).

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20992 Error QNA14 -1008014L "This foreign key must be UNENFORCED." This foreign key must be UNENFORCED (The UNENFORCED keyword is required for this foreign key).

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20993 Error QNA15 -1008015L "This check constraint must be ENFORCED." The keyword UNENFORCED is not supported.

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20994 Error QNA16 -1008016L "Cannot ALTER DELETE a column that has a unique or primary key constraint." Cannot ALTER DELETE a column that has a unique or primary key constraint. This is a duplicate of an SA error code.

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20995 Error QNA17 -1008017L "Cannot ALTER DELETE a column that has multi-column index." Cannot ALTER DELETE a column that has multi-column index. This is a duplicate of an SA error code.

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20996 Error QDC36 -1000226L "The LOCATION string passed to the attached database insert is invalid. %1" The user passed an invalid LOCATION string in an attached database insert. Check the format of the string. It must be of the form "servername.dbname".

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20997 Error QDC37 -1000227L "Cannot load data with both BINARY and delimited columns. %1" You cannot load data with both BINARY and delimited columns in the same LOAD command.

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20998 Error QDC38 -1000229L "Only BINARY [WITH NULL BYTE] can be used as a column specification when using UNLOAD FORMAT. %1" When using UNLOAD FORMAT, you cannot specify any column specification other than BINARY. If need to load null values for a column using the BINARY column spec, you must specify the WITH NULL BYTE option. You cannot use the [ROW] DELIMITED BY options with UNLOAD FORMAT.

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20999 Error QDC39 -1000230L "Columns that allow nulls must use the WITH NULL BYTE option. %1" The user must use the WITH NULL BYTE option for a BINARY column spec for columns that allow nulls.

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21000 Error QDC40 -1000234L "The record size of the unloaded data: %2, does not match the record size of the load: %3. %1" The record size of the unloaded data does not match the size of the record described by the LOAD command.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: