Messages 52W24 through 53003

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
52W24 Error 2308 -681L "Invalid join type used with Transact-SQL outer join" An invalid join type was used with a query that contains Transact-SQL outer join comparison operators.

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52W25 Error 2338 -710L "Invalid comparison" An attempt was made to compare two arguments that do not support comparison. For example, it is not valid to compare a Java object with another Java object, unless the class of the object supports a valid compareTo method.

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52W26 Error 2758 -1089L "Invalid commit action for shared temporary table" A global shared temporary table must be declared as ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS or NOT TRANSACTIONAL.

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52W40 Error 2305 -678L "Index name '%1' is ambiguous" A statement has referred to an index name that is not unique. Preface the index name with the table and/or owner name.

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52W41 Error 2464 -817L "Too many temporary tables in connection" A CREATE TABLE or DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement attempted to create a temporary table, but the resulting number of distinct table IDs used for temporary tables in the current connection would exceed the limit.

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52W42 Error 2499 -852L "Table name '%1' is ambiguous" A statement has referred to a table name that is not unique. Preface the table name by an owner name.

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52W43 Error 2737 -1068L "Default dbspace '%1' not found" You tried to create a table with the default_dbspace option set to a dbspace that could not be found.

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52W44 Error 3039 -1359L "Sequence '%1' not found" The sequence with this name does not exist in the database.

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52W45 Error 3038 -1358L "Sequence name '%1' is ambiguous" A statement has referred to a sequence name that is not unique. Preface the sequence name by an owner name.

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52W46 Error 3033 -1353L "Invalid operation '%2' on sequence '%1'" An invalid operation has been attempted on a sequence object. The only valid operations on a sequence are currval and nextval.

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52W47 Error 3034 -1354L "Sequence '%1' already exists" A sequence with the specified name already exists.

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52W48 Error 3035 -1355L "No more values available in sequence %1" No more values can be supplied by the sequence; the next value to be supplied would be either larger than the maximum value, or smaller than the minimum value, and this sequence has been specified with NO CYCLE.

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52W49 Error 3036 -1356L "Definition for sequence '%1' is invalid" An invalid combination of modifiers has been used for the sequence. Make sure that the MAXVAL is greater than the MINVAL and that START WITH is between MINVAL and MAXVAL.

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52W50 Error 3037 -1357L "Multiple settings of same option specified for sequence '%1'" Multiple settings of the same sequence option have been specified in the sequence definition. Even if the setting is the same, you can only specify each option once.

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52W51 Error 3043 -1363L "The 'currval' operator is not defined yet for sequence '%1' for this connection" The currval operator of a sequence generator is only defined once nextval has been called for the sequence within the current connection.

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52W52 Error 3049 -1369L "Sequence generators are not supported for this database" The current database does not have catalog support for sequence generators. To use this feature, upgrade your database to the most recent version.

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52W53 Error 3067 -1392L "Unique indexes with the clause WITH NULLS NOT DISTINCT are not supported for this database" The current database does not have support for unique indexes with the clause WITH NULLS NOT DISTINCT. To use this feature, upgrade your database to the most recent version.

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52W54 Error 3178 -1510L "Cannot specify range that excludes next value for sequence %1" You attempted to modify either the MINVAL or MAXVAL boundary of a sequence to a value that would make the next invocation of the nextval expression for the sequence invalid. If you want to change the range boundaries to these values, you must also specify a RESTART WITH clause and supply a value within the new range.

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53002 Error 2133 -207L "Wrong number of values for INSERT" The number of values you are trying to insert does not match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement, or the number of columns in the table if no columns are specified.

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53003 Error 2092 -149L "Function or column reference to '%1' must also appear in a GROUP BY" You used a non-aggregate function or column reference in the SELECT list or in a nested query block that does not appear in the GROUP BY clause. In a query using GROUP BY, SELECT list items that are not aggregate functions must also appear in the GROUP BY clause. If the SELECT list item is a column reference or an alias, you may add the column name or alias to the GROUP BY clause. If the SELECT list item is a scalar function, ensure that the function's arguments in the GROUP BY clause match exactly with those in the SELECT list. You may be able to use the MAX function (or another aggregate function) on the column name instead of adding the column to the GROUP BY clause.

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Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: