Messages 200 through 218

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLCODE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL Code Msg Type Number SQL State Message Possible Cause
-200L Error 2167 42W16 "Invalid option '%1' -- no PUBLIC setting exists" You may have misspelled the name of an option in the SET OPTION statement. You can only define an option for a user if the database administrator has supplied a PUBLIC value for that option.

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-201L Error 2168 42W17 "Invalid setting for option '%1'" You supplied an invalid value for an option in the SET statement. Some options allow only numeric values, while other options allow only the values On and Off.

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201L Warning 2788 01WC4 "The ICU collation '%1' has defaulted to another collation" The specified ICU collation is not available. Another collation was substituted, which may or may not produce suitable results. Due to the structure of ICU, the collation that was used is not known, but was the best alternative to the specified collation. If this database is used on another platform, a different collation may be chosen and the operation may generate different results.

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-202L Error 2251 42W43 "Only PUBLIC settings are allowed for option '%1'" The option specified in the SET OPTION statement is PUBLIC only. You cannot define this option for any other user.

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-203L Error 2254 42W45 "Cannot set a temporary option for user '%1'" TEMPORARY options are set on a connection basis, and only for specific options known to the database server. To change an option for another user, do not specify TEMPORARY in the SET OPTION statement.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-204L Error 2256 42W46 "Only the DBA can set the option '%1'" The option specified in the SET OPTION statement can only be set by a user with DBA authority.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-205L Error 2257 28W02 "Integrated logins are not permitted" The login_mode database option is set to Standard, and you attempted an integrated login. Change the option setting or supply an explicit user ID.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-206L Error 2258 28W03 "Integrated logins are required, standard logins are not permitted" The login_mode database option is set to Integrated, and you attempted a standard login. Change the option setting or use an integrated login.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-207L Error 2133 53002 "Wrong number of values for INSERT" The number of values you are trying to insert does not match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement, or the number of columns in the table if no columns are specified.

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-208L Error 2132 22W02 "Row has changed since last read -- operation canceled" You attempted an UPDATE (positioned) or DELETE (positioned) operation on a cursor declared as a SCROLL cursor, and the row you are changing has been updated since you read it. This error prevents the lost update problem.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-209L Error 2131 23506 "Constraint '%1' violated: Invalid value for column '%2' in table '%3'" You attempted an insert or update that violates a CHECK constraint. A CHECK constraint is violated if it evaluates to FALSE; it is deemed to hold if the condition evaluates to TRUE or UNKNOWN.

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-210L Error 2169 42W18 "User '%1' has the row in '%2' locked" The operation failed because another connection holds a lock on the same object you are attempting to modify. With INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, or MERGE statements this error is typically caused by attempting to read or write a row that is locked by another user, while the database option 'blocking' is set to Off. With data definition statements, including CREATE, DROP, GRANT, REVOKE, REFRESH, or ALTER, this error can be generated when the connection executing the DDL statement is unable to obtain an exclusive lock on the object to be modified (table, view, materialized view, or index) so that the operation can proceed.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-211L Error 2170 42W19 "Not allowed while '%1' is using the database" You attempted a data definition language operation that cannot be completed while another user is connected.

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-212L Error 2171 42W20 "CHECKPOINT statement requires a rollback log" You cannot use a CHECKPOINT statement when the database server is running in bulk mode without a rollback log.

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-213L Error 2177 3BW01 "Savepoints require a rollback log" You cannot use savepoints when the database server is running in bulk mode without a rollback log.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-214L Error 2172 42W21 "Table in use" You attempted to ALTER or DROP a table that is being used by other active users of the database.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-215L Error 2173 42W23 "Procedure in use by '%1'" You attempted to DROP a procedure that is being used by other active users of the database.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-216L Error 2351 42W52 "The option '%1' can only be set as a temporary option" The option specified in the SET OPTION statement can only be set as a temporary option.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-217L Error 2352 42W53 "The option '%1' cannot be set from within a procedure" The option specified in the SET OPTION statement cannot be set from within a procedure.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-218L Error 2353 08W48 "Authentication failed" You set the database_authentication or connection_authentication option incorrectly.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: