Messages 1000049 through 1000068

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLCODE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL Code Msg Type Number SQL State Message Possible Cause
-1000049L Error 20709 QDA49 "'%2' is being used in a self join. Self joins are not allowed. %1" Self joins are not allowed.

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-1000050L Error 20710 QDA50 "Table '%2' is used in the join twice. %1" A table cannot be used twice in a join.

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-1000051L Error 20711 QDA51 "Cannot retrieve a row from the SYSIQJOINIXTABLE system table. %1" This is an internal error. Cannot retrieve a row from the SYSIQJOINIXTABLE system table. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000052L Error 20712 QDA52 "Cannot delete a row from the SYSIQJOINIXTABLE system table. %1" This is an internal error. Cannot delete a row from the SYSIQJOINIXTABLE system table. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000053L Error 20713 QDA53 "Cannot commit changes to the SYSIQJOINIXTABLE system table. %1" This is an internal error. Cannot commit changes to the SYSIQJOINIXTABLE system table. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000054L Error 20714 QDA54 "Cannot open %2 in Meta (exclusive) mode. Object is already open. %1" The object cannot be opened for exclusive access; it is already open.

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1000055L Warning 20715 01A55 "Warning: %1" This message appears in context with other messages.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000056L Error 20716 QDA56 "Cannot convert from datatype '%2' to '%3' for column '%4'. %1" Implicit conversion for this column is not possible.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000057L Error 20717 QDA57 "Column '%2' has an unknown datatype: '%3'. %1" The column is of a datatype that is unknown to ASIQ. This is an internal error. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

1000058L Warning 20718 QDA58 "Platform: %1" This is an informational message reporting the platform type.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

1000059L Warning 20719 01A59 "Unable to synchronize join index '%1'." The SYNCHRONIZE operation failed for the index because exclusive access to it cannot be obtained. Try the operation later when there are no other users of the index.

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-1000060L Error 20720 QDA60 "Column '%2', PRECISION (%3) cannot be greater than %4. %1" The precision requested by the user is larger than what is allowed for the datatype.

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-1000061L Error 20721 QDA61 "Column %2, PRECISION (%3) cannot be less than 0. %1" The precision specified by the user is less than zero.

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-1000062L Error 20722 QDC35 "Cannot add column '%3' with 'not null' constraint on table %2 with data. %1" The user tried to ALTER ADD a NOT NULL column to a table that has data. The newly added column would violate the NOT NULL constraint as it would have null data.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000063L Error 20723 QDC34 "Cannot enforce the NOT NULL constraint. Column %2 has NULL data. %1" The user tried ALTER MODIFY column NOT NULL on a column that used to allow nulls and has null data. The user has to first delete the null rows before altering the column to enforce the NOT NULL constraint.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000064L Error 20724 QDA64 "Column %2 can not be altered because it participates in join %3. %1" A column/field that participates in a join cannot be altered. Joins on this field must be deleted before an ALTER can be performed.

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-1000065L Error 20725 QDA65 "Table %2 must be owned by the creator of the join. %1" This error message is given during CREATE JOIN when one of the tables specified is not owned by the owner of the join. Joins can only be created from tables of the same owner.

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-1000066L Error 20726 QDA66 "ALTER on the column would interfere with the natural join to table %2 in join %3. %1" This message is displayed when using the ALTER command or adding columns to a table that participates in a join.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000067L Error 20727 QDA67 "Table '%2' is not defined in the catalog. %1" This is an internal error. The table does not exist in the catalog. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

1000068L Warning 20728 00A68 "The '%1' join index is in use for table '%2'." This is an informational message.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: