Messages 1013109 through 1013117

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLCODE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL Code Msg Type Number SQL State Message Possible Cause
1013109L Warning 21032 QCB09 "JI MATCH - Join Index ID=%1, Name=%2, TopTableID=%3" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this join will attempt to be matched during the match-up process.

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-1013109L Error 22010 QDD11 "MPX: coordinator has been started with an incorrect catalog. %1" The coordinator has been started with an incorrect catalog

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1013110L Warning 21033 QSB35 "IQ had insufficient memory to create the buffer cache with the size specified with the Main_Cache_Memory_MB or Temp_Cache_Memory_MB options. Instead, the cache will be created using the default size." If we catch an OUTOFMEMORY exception when creating the MAIN or the TEMP buffer cache, we report this warning of our failure and retry to create the cache with the default settings (and NOT the settings in the hos_paramset). This will allow the DBA to re-open a database even if the Main_Cache_Memory_MB or Temp_Cache_Memory_MB options are set so high as to otherwise prevent the re-opening of the database. (QTS 183253.)

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-1013110L Error 22011 QDD12 "MPX: server %2 has been started with an incorrect catalog path (expected path: %3). %1" The coordinator has been started with the incorrect catalog

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-1013111L Error 22014 QDD15 "MPX: This operation is not supported on a MPX secondary node. %1" Not supported on a mpx secondary node

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-1013112L Error 22015 QDD116 "MPX: Striping parameters for IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP are global and may only be altered on the coordinator node. %1" Change striping for IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP on coordinator only.

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-1013113L Error 22016 QNA49 "The multiplex server '%2' is not included in the multiplex. %1" This multiplex server has been excluded

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-1013114L Error 22017 QNA50 "To start a Secondary node in single-node mode (-iqmpx_sn 1) the override switch (-iqmpx_ov 1) should be used %1" Secondary servers are not allowed to start with -iqmpx_sn 1. As the use of -iqmpx_sn 1 makes the server the owner of the IQ database it should not be used unless coordinator restore and failover operations have failed. If it becomes necessary to re-establish ownership of the database by a secondary server you can start the secondary server with -iqmpx_sn 1 only with override (-iqmpx_ov 1)

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-1013115L Error 22018 QDD18 "IQ Internal multiplex error. Please report this to Sybase IQ support. %1" A fatal programming error encountered, server will be aborted.

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-1013116L Error 22020 QDD21 "The operation has been cancelled - Mpx_Work_Unit_Timeout exceeded. %2 %1" The elapsed time to complete a distributed work unit exceed the timeout value.

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-1013117L Error 22024 QDD24 "Worker rejected query fragment - %2. %1" Worker node could not execute the query fragment for the specified reason.

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Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: