Messages 2609 through 2628

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
2609 Error 42WA2 -945L "Recursive column %1: conversion from '%2' to '%3' loses precision" Every column in the recursive subquery must be convertible to the type of the corresponding column in the initial subquery without loss of precision. Try casting the column in the initial subquery to an appropriate type.

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2610 Error 09W03 -946L "Result set not permitted in '%1'" You attempted to execute a SELECT statement in a context where a result set is not permitted.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2611 Error 42WA3 -947L "Window '%1' not found" You have attempted to reference a window name that is not defined in the window list of the SELECT statement.

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2612 Error 42WA4 -948L "PARTITION BY not allowed in reference to window '%1'" When an existing window name is referenced from an inline window specification, the inline specification must not have a PARTITION BY clause.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2613 Error 42WA5 -949L "ORDER BY not allowed in window '%1'" When an existing window name is referenced from an inline window specification, either the inline window or the referenced window may have an ORDER BY, but not both.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2614 Error 42WA6 -950L "Frame not allowed for window '%1'" Frames are not allowed on windows referenced from inline window specifications.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2615 Error WW031 -951L "Cannot access schema file '%1'" UltraLite requires a schema file to perform the current operation. Either no schema file was specified or the one specified was not accessible or was corrupt.

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2616 Error WW032 -952L "The status of the last synchronization upload is unknown" The status of the last synchronization upload is unknown. The current operation cannot proceed until a successful upload is synchronized.

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2617 Error WW033 -953L "A schema upgrade is not currently allowed" A schema upgrade cannot proceed because of concurrent use of the database. For example, all cursors must be closed before a schema upgrade can occur.

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2618 Error WW034 -954L "The database '%1' was not found" The named database was not found. Ensure your connection string properly names the desired database.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2619 Error WW035 -955L "This connection already exists" A connection with the given SQLCA and name (or no name) already exists. Before connecting you must disconnect the existing connection, or specify a different connection name.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2620 Error WW036 -956L "Information for synchronization is incomplete or invalid, check '%1'" Information for synchronization is incomplete or invalid. Correct the indicated parameter before attempting to synchronize again. If init_verify is indicated, the ULInitSynchInfo function was not called.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2621 Error 22X13 -957L "Invalid preceding or following size in OLAP function" The expression for the preceding or following size evaluated to NULL or a negative value.

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2622 Error 54W08 -958L "Password cannot be longer than %1 characters" The password is longer than that allowed by the server.

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2623 Error WW037 -959L "Compression error: %1" An error occurred during compression.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2624 Error WW038 -960L "Decompression error: %1" An error occurred during decompression.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2625 Error WW039 -961L "Input string is not base64-encoded" An error occurred during base64 decoding.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2626 Error 42WA7 -962L "Argument to GROUPING aggregate must be a grouping column in the GROUP BY clause" Only a grouping column is permitted as an argument to the GROUPING aggregate function. An argument that contains anything other than a single grouping column expression will not be accepted.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2627 Error 08005 -963L "Password contains an illegal character" The specified password contains an illegal character.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2628 Error 42WA8 -964L "Window function used in predicate" A window function was used in the WHERE or HAVING clause of a SELECT statement. Consider making the SELECT into a derived table, putting the window function in the select list of the derived table, and changing the predicate to reference the derived column.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created May 6, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: