Messages WP008 through WT006

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
WP008 Error 2311 -165L "Java VM heap exhausted at internal function: %1" The amount of space allocated for the Java VM is insufficient to continue allocating new objects. Increase the size by using: SET OPTION PUBLIC.java_heap_size = nnnnnnnn.

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WP009 Error 2314 -685L "Resource governor for '%1' exceeded" The resource governor for the stated resource has determined that the usage of the resource has exceeded its limit.

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WP010 Error 2374 -730L "Invalid JAR file" A file passed to the INSTALL JAVA statement was not a valid JAR file.

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WP011 Error 2472 -825L "Previous error lost prior to RESIGNAL" A RESIGNAL statement in an exception handler of a stored procedure was executed but the context of the previous error was unavailable. A possible cause of this error is a SELECT statement that returns a result set in the exception handler.

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WP012 Error 2516 -866L "%1 returned a result set with a different schema than expected" When calling a procedure in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement, the expected schema of the result is taken from the WITH clause. If no WITH clause is given, the expected schema is taken from the system catalog. The result set returned from the call must match the expected schema or it must be possible to convert every column so that it matches.

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WP013 Error 2523 -873L "%1 returned multiple result sets" A procedure called in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement cannot return multiple result sets.

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WP014 Error 2522 -872L "%1 does not return a result set" A procedure called in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement must return a result set.

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WP015 Error 2524 -686L "Insufficient cache to start Java Virtual Machine" Insufficient cache was available to start the Java Virtual Machine. Restart the database server with a larger cache size.

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WP016 Error 2662 -995L "Warning detected when optimizing SELECT INTO is treated as an error" The SELECT ... INTO #TEMPTABLE statement cannot proceed if a warning is detected while optimizing the query. To fix the problem, test the query by removing the INTO clause, and resolve the reported warning.

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WQ001 Error 2545 -1517L "Logical Server \"%1\" not found" The named logical server was not found in the database.

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WQ002 Error 2543 -1518L "Logical Server Policy \"%1\" does not allow coordinator membership in logical servers." Logical server policy does not allow coordinator as a member of logical server.

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WQ003 Error 2541 -1519L "Cannot perform the requested operation due to overlapping logical server memberships for login policy \"%1\"." Cannot perform the requested operation since this would result in an overlapping logical server membership for named login policy.

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WQ004 Error 2539 -1520L "Cannot recreate an already existing logical server membership." Multiplex server which is to be added as a member is already a member of logical server.

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WQ005 Error 2537 -1521L "Cannot drop a non-existing logical server membership." Multiplex server membership about to be dropped was not found.

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WT001 Error 2832 -1156L "Argument \"%1\" must be a column reference." The CONTAINS argument must be a column reference.

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WT002 Error 2833 -1157L "All column reference arguments must refer to the same table." All column references in a CONTAINS query must refer to the same table.

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WT003 Error 2834 -1158L "No matching text index." A single text index must exist on all columns referenced in a CONTAINS query.

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WT004 Error 2835 -1159L "Non-constant or unknown text query string." The query string argument to a CONTAINS query must be a constant, or a non-null value in a variable.

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WT005 Error 2836 -1160L "Text configuration \"%1\".\"%2\" not found." The specified text configuration does not exist.

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WT006 Error 2837 -1161L "Text configuration \"%1\" already exists." The specified text configuration name already exists.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created May 6, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: