Messages QSB85 through QTA15

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
QSB85 Error 21211 -1009190L "Incorrect %3 Index Version (%2): Index must be dropped and recreated. %1" Error from text index.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB86 Error 22025 -1009191L "The FORCE READWRITE clause is not allowed on this dbspace. It can be specified for the dbspace IQ_SHARED_TEMP only. %1" The FORCE READWRITE clause can be used with IQ_SHARED_TEMP only.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB87 Error 22026 -1009192L "File may not be accessible from one or more multiplex servers. Use sp_iqmpxfilestatus for further diagnosis. %1" The file must be accessible from all multiplex servers (except those that are excluded) before its mode can be changed to READWRITE. The global file status maintained at the coordinator indicates that file may not be accessible from one or more multiplex servers. Use sp_iqmpxfilestatus for further diagnosis.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB88 Error 22027 -1009193L "Insufficient space to accommodate Freelist blocks. Please use a file with at least %2 MB space and turn that file READWRITE. %1" There is no READWRITE file in IQ_SHARED_TEMP dbspace at this point in time. While trying to turn the first file READWRITE, the file needs to have enough space to accommodate freelist blocks for all the existing files.

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QSB89 Error 22028 -1009194L "Please drop the rest of the files in this dbspace before trying to drop this file. \nThis was the first file to be made READWRITE and can only be dropped if it is the last remaining file. %1" This was the first file to be made READWRITE in IQ_SHARED_TEMP dbspace This file should be the last file in IQ_SHARED_TEMP to be dropped. Please drop rest of the files before trying to drop this file.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QTA00 Error 20154 -1005000L "Bind parameters are not supported in data flow query processing" No additional information available.

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QTA01 Error 20155 -1005001L "Query has exceeded the supported maximum number of tables that can be joined. %1" No additional information available.

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QTA02 Error 20156 -1005002L "Subquery predicates are not supported in the ON clause of outer joins in this release. %1" No additional information available.

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QTA03 Error 20157 -1005003L "A maximum of one subquery predicate per conjunct is supported in this release. %1" No additional information available.

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QTA04 Error 20158 -1005004L "Subqueries are allowed only as arguments of comparisons, IN, and EXISTS %2, %1" No additional information available.

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QTA05 Error 20159 -1005005L "Deleting from views is not supported. %1" No additional information available.

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QTA06 Error 20160 -1005006L "The target DELETE table must also appear in FROM. %1" No additional information available.

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QTA08 Error 20162 -1005008L "Sybase IQ does not support nested aggregations. %1" No additional information available.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QTA09 Error 20163 -1005009L "Cannot perform an aggregate function on a column from a table not declared in the same query. %2, %1" No additional information available.

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QTA10 Error 20164 -1005010L "The field '%2' is not unique and needs to be qualified, %1" No additional information available.

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QTA11 Error 20165 -1005011L "There are two tables named '%2'. Please specify an alias for one of them. %1" No additional information available.

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QTA12 Error 20166 -1005012L "The field '%2' specified in the query cannot be found, %1" No additional information available.

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QTA13 Error 20167 -1005013L "The FROM clause must have at least one table identifier %1" No additional information available.

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QTA14 Error 20168 -1005014L "Non-space text found after ending quote character for an enclosed field. %1" Non-space text found after ending quote character for an enclosed field.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QTA15 Error 20169 -1005015L "The optimizer was unable to find a query plan that avoided cartesian product joins larger than the Max_Cartesian_Result setting %1" No additional information available.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created May 6, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: