Messages QNA19 through QNA38

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
QNA19 Error 21041 -1008019L "Multiplex is currently inactive." The user has either requested a multiplex function or has asked for multiplex status.

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QNA20 Error 21042 -1008020L "Multiplex command or request is unimplemented." The user has requested an unimplemented multiplex feature. This would typically be a status request which doesn't exist.

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QNA21 Error 21043 -1008021L "The SYSIQFILE table is not configured for this server to run in a multiplex." SYSIQFILE identifies all files which make up the given stores that the IQ server requires (main, temp, and message). For multiplex, each entry in SYSIQFILE must be associated with a particular multiplex server before that server can access the particular file. This message indicates that some these rows are missing for the active server.

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QNA22 Error 21044 -1008022L "Bad commit identity block. The server may be out of synchronization. %1" Multiplex servers cannot start this database. Start the coordinator in single server mode.

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QNA23 Error 21045 -1008023L "Cannot start multiplex secondary server while the coordinator is in single server mode" Restart the secondary server after the coordinator has restarted in normal mode.

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QNA24 Error 21046 -1008024L "Multiplex coordinator must start as server@host: %2, on file: %3; to start with different settings, you must use the override switch. %1" Only the configured coordinator can start the database. Start with the override switch (-iqmpx_ov 1) to bypass this check.

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QNA25 Error 21047 -1008025L "Multiplex secondary server cannot continue while the coordinator is in single server mode. %1" Resynchronize and restart the secondary server after the coordinator has restarted in normal mode.

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QNA26 Error 21048 -1008026L "Multiplex secondary server out of synchronization with the coordinator. %1" The secondary server's IQ catalog cannot be brought up to date with the coordinator's IQ catalog. This server must be synchronized.

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QNA27 Error 20004 -1011004L "Cannot drop primary key or unique constraint because a foreign key still references it." A primary key or unique constraint involved in a referential integrity relationship cannot be dropped until its corresponding foreign key is first dropped.

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QNA28 Error 21057 -1008027L "Multiplex secondary node shutting down due to a file added to the IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN dbspace.\nThis node must be synchronized and restarted. %1" The user has added a dbspace file to IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN on the coordinator. This causes secondary nodes to shut down. All secondary nodes must be synchronized and restarted after this operation.

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QNA29 Error 21059 -1008029L "Cannot create foreign key to an unenforced primary key or unenforced unique constraint." Existing unenforced primary keys or unique constraints cannot be used to create an referential integrity relationship to a foreign table.

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QNA30 Error 21064 -1008030L "Only IQ index types can be created on IQ tables within a Parallel IQ block." Parallel IQ Begin/End blocks allow users to create multiple indexes simultaneously. At this time, only Create Index statements for HG, HNG, LF, LD, DATE, TIME, WD, and CMP index types on IQ tables are allowed within Parallel IQ Begin and End statements.

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QNA31 Error 21065 -1008031L "Cannot do Create Index commands on global or local temporary tables or catalog server tables in a Parallel IQ block." Cannot do Create Index commands on global or local temporary tables in a Parallel IQ block.

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QNA32 Error 20823 -1000163L "%1 not supported." The named operation is not supported.

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QNA33 Error 20824 -1000164L "Only %1 supported." Only UPDATE RESTRICT and DELETE RESTRICT supported

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QNA34 Error 20825 -1000165L "Only a single foreign key constraint can be created on the same foreign key column(s) and same candidate key column(s)." For a given set of foreign key columns and candidate key columns,

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QNA35 Error 20828 -1000168L "Cannot create %1 HG index because one already exists on the given columns." Only a single HG index of a given type can be created on the same column set. For example, you cannot have two unique HG indexes on the same column set, but you are allowed to have a unique HG and a non-unique HG index on the same set of columns.

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QNA36 Error 20829 -1000169L "Cannot create unique HG index because primary key or unique constraint already exists on the given columns." When you create a primary key or unique constraint, IQ automatically creates a unique HG index as the mechanism for enforcing the 'uniqueness' attribute of a primary key or unique constraint. Consequently, a user cannot create another unique HG on the same columns on which the primary key or unique constraint is defined.

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QNA37 Error 20830 -1000170L "Cannot create a duplicate '%1' index '%2'." Cannot create duplicate indexes of the same type on a set of columns.

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QNA38 Error 20833 -1000173L "Index '%1' cannot be created. Multicolumn indexes must be created using distinct columns." Multicolumn indexes must be created using distinct columns. That is, you cannot use the same column more than once when creating a multicolumn index.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created May 6, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: