Messages QDC98 through QDD18

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
QDC98 Error 21182 -1000318L "Unexpected type encountered for column '%2'. %1" Parse tree contains an expected column type.

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QDC99 Error 21185 -1000319L "Server (%2) is no longer a Multiplex coordinator. %1" Specified server is no longer a Multiplex coordinator.

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QDD00 Error 21189 -1000320L "Table with table id %2 no longer exists. %1" There is no table with the given table id. It would have been dropped.

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QDD02 Error 21198 -1000329L "The move target %2 is already in the specified dbspace. %1" The move target for alter table or alter index is already in the specified dbspace.

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QDD03 Error 21193 -1000324L "Maximum secondary node license limit reached. Cannot add new secondary node. %1" New secondary node cannot be added since the license limit for adding a new secondary node has been reached.

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QDD04 Error 21194 -1000325L "%2 node cannot be made a failover node. %1" An excluded or coordinator node cannot be made a failover node.

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QDD05 Error 21195 -1000326L "%2 of Coordinator node cannot be changed. %1" ROLE or STATUS of Coordinator node cannot be changed.

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QDD06 Error 21196 -1000327L "Failover node cannot be Excluded. %1" A designated failover node cannot be Excluded.

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QDD07 Error 21197 -1000328L "%2 node cannot be dropped. %1" A Coordinator or a Failover node cannot be dropped from the multiplex configuration.

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QDD08 Error 21224 -1004013L "Cannot drop multiplex server %2 as it holds freelist. %1" If a writer holds a freelist, it cannot be dropped. If the writer can be started, start it. This is because a startup or a clean shutdown will clear the freelist. If the writer cannot be restarted, restart the coordinator with -iqmpx_reclaimwriterfreelist <server name> server switch to force the coordinator to reset the writer freelist.

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QDD09 Error 22008 -1013107L "MPX: server %2 is not part of the Multiplex configuration. %1" This is a multiplex and this server is not part of it.

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QDD10 Error 22009 -1013108L "MPX: startup failure message: server '%2' was started on an incorrect host '%3': this server was created with this connection string '%4'. %1" This server cannot be started on this host

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QDD11 Error 22010 -1013109L "MPX: coordinator has been started with an incorrect catalog. %1" The coordinator has been started with an incorrect catalog

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QDD116 Error 22015 -1013112L "MPX: Striping parameters for IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP are global and may only be altered on the coordinator node. %1" Change striping for IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP on coordinator only.

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QDD12 Error 22011 -1013110L "MPX: server %2 has been started with an incorrect catalog path (expected path: %3). %1" The coordinator has been started with the incorrect catalog

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QDD13 Error 22012 -1013104L "This operation is not allowed on the dbspace IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP. %1" Illegal op for iq_system_temp

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QDD14 Error 22013 -1013105L "Use ALTER DBSPACE ALTER FILE for this operation. %1" Must use alter dbspace alter file

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QDD15 Error 22014 -1013111L "MPX: This operation is not supported on a MPX secondary node. %1" Not supported on a mpx secondary node

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QDD17 Error 21199 -1000330L "Default value %2 cannot be used as a LOAD default value. %1" Specified default value cannot be used as a LOAD default value.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QDD18 Error 22018 -1013115L "IQ Internal multiplex error. Please report this to Sybase IQ support. %1" A fatal programming error encountered, server will be aborted.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created May 6, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: