Messages 54W09 through 55W07

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
54W09 Error 2763 -1093L "The size of the character column, variable, or value data type exceeds 32767" The declaration or conversion has specified a character type with byte length greater than 32767.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

54W10 Error 2775 -1104L "Too many users in database" You have exceeded the maximum number of users permitted to access the database. The maximum number of users that are allowed granted access to a single UltraLite database is four.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

54W11 Error 2778 -1107L "Too many references to a BLOB" You have exceeded the maximum number of references to a particular BLOB. In UltraLite you may have at most 256 references to any one particular BLOB.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

54W12 Error 2909 -1230L "Too many open cursors" You exceeded the number of cursors allowed to be open on a single UltraLite database. Check to ensure you are freeing statements when you are done with them.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

54W13 Error 2914 -1235L "Too many columns in SELECT list" You executed a statement with too many expressions in the SELECT list. The number of expressions within a SELECT list is limited to 60000.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

54W14 Error 2915 -1236L "Too many expressions in GROUP BY list" You executed a statement with too many expressions in the GROUP BY list. The number of expressions within a GROUP BY list is limited to 60000.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

54W15 Error 2916 -1237L "Too many columns in procedure result set" You executed a statement with too many expressions in the GROUP BY list. The number of expressions within a GROUP BY list is limited to 60000. You executed a CREATE PROCEDURE or ALTER PROCEDURE statement. The resulting number of columns in the result set of the procedure would exceed the server's limit.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

54W16 Error 2991 -1303L "Too many MESSAGE ... FOR CONNECTION messages" You executed a MESSAGE ... FOR CONNECTION statement and the maximum number of messages for the connection have already been queued.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

54W17 Error 2969 -1313L "Maximum string length exceeded" A string operation attempted to create a string longer than the maximum allowed by the server.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

54W50 Error 2548 -887L "Virtual index creation with more than %1 columns" You attempted to create a virtual index with more than the maximum number of columns.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

54W51 Error 2908 -1229L "Reorganize table is already being run on table \"%1\No message There is already a REORGANIZE TABLE statement being run on this table. Only one such statement can be executing on a table at any time.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

54W52 Error 2962 -1275L "Invalid domain '%1'" You attempted to create an invalid domain. The size/scale/precision is invalid.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

55008 Error 2055 -118L "Table '%1' has no primary key" You attempted an operation that required the referenced table to have a primary key. Examples of these operations include adding a foreign key, or using the ON EXISTING clause of an INSERT statement, while referring to a table that does not have a primary key. You must add a primary key to the referenced table.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

55013 Error 2049 -112L "Table already has a primary key" You attempted to add a primary key on a table that already has a primary key defined. You must delete the current primary key before adding a new one.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

55W02 Error 2053 -116L "Table must be empty" You attempted to modify a table, and the database server can only perform the change if there are no rows in the table.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

55W03 Error 2060 -128L "Cannot drop a user that owns tables in runtime system" You attempted to drop a user that owns tables while running the runtime server. This operation would result in dropping tables. The runtime server cannot drop tables. Use the full server.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

55W04 Error 2149 -270L "Cannot drop a user that owns procedures in runtime server" You attempted to drop a user that owns procedures while using the runtime server. This operation would result in dropping procedures. The runtime server cannot drop procedures. Use the full server.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

55W05 Error 2099 -614L "Cannot drop a user that owns messages or data types" You attempted to drop a user that is the creator of a message or user-defined data type. The message or user-defined data type must be dropped first.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

55W06 Error 2377 -731L "Cannot drop a user that owns objects involved in replication" You attempted to drop a user that is the creator of a database object involved in replication. For example, the user may own a table that is part of a publication.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

55W07 Error 2386 -739L "db_init has not been called or the call to db_init failed" The SQLCA passed to a dblib entry point has not been initialized by a call to db_init or the call to db_init failed.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created May 6, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: