Messages 42W9D through 42WB1

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
42W9D Error 2592 -928L "Constant expressions must not appear in GROUP BY clause" You used a constant in the GROUP BY clause. Constants must not appear in the GROUP BY clause for a query. References to columns in a view that are constant are permitted in a GROUP BY clause. Also, expressions that use a view column that is constant are permitted.

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42W9E Error 2595 -931L "Service definition requires a statement when authorization is off" The service definition for the specified service type requires a statement to be specified when authorization is set to Off.

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42WA0 Error 2602 -938L "Recursion is not allowed without the RECURSIVE keyword" The common table expressions for a recursive query must be defined using a WITH RECURSIVE clause.

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42WA1 Error 2608 -944L "Too many expressions in GROUP BY list for ROLLUP, CUBE, or GROUPING SETS operation" You specified too many expressions in the GROUP BY list for the requested ROLLUP, CUBE, or GROUPING SETS operation. The current environment where SQL Anywhere is executing cannot support this number of expressions in the GROUP BY list for the requested operation.

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42WA2 Error 2609 -945L "Recursive column %1: conversion from '%2' to '%3' loses precision" Every column in the recursive subquery must be convertible to the type of the corresponding column in the initial subquery without loss of precision. Try casting the column in the initial subquery to an appropriate type.

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42WA3 Error 2611 -947L "Window '%1' not found" You have attempted to reference a window name that is not defined in the window list of the SELECT statement.

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42WA4 Error 2612 -948L "PARTITION BY not allowed in reference to window '%1'" When an existing window name is referenced from an inline window specification, the inline specification must not have a PARTITION BY clause.

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42WA5 Error 2613 -949L "ORDER BY not allowed in window '%1'" When an existing window name is referenced from an inline window specification, either the inline window or the referenced window may have an ORDER BY, but not both.

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42WA6 Error 2614 -950L "Frame not allowed for window '%1'" Frames are not allowed on windows referenced from inline window specifications.

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42WA7 Error 2626 -962L "Argument to GROUPING aggregate must be a grouping column in the GROUP BY clause" Only a grouping column is permitted as an argument to the GROUPING aggregate function. An argument that contains anything other than a single grouping column expression will not be accepted.

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42WA8 Error 2628 -964L "Window function used in predicate" A window function was used in the WHERE or HAVING clause of a SELECT statement. Consider making the SELECT into a derived table, putting the window function in the select list of the derived table, and changing the predicate to reference the derived column.

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42WA9 Error 2629 -965L "Window function requires ORDER BY" Rank functions and window functions that use the RANGE keyword must specify an ORDER BY clause.

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42WAA Error 2630 -966L "Composite ORDER BY not allowed with RANGE" Window functions that use the RANGE keyword may only ORDER BY a single column.

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42WAB Error 2632 -968L "User '%1' already has EXECUTE permission" You attempted to give EXECUTE permission on a stored procedure to a user that already has EXECUTE permission on that procedure.

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42WAC Error 2661 -994L "Too many arguments for function or procedure '%1'" You supplied an argument list that the database server cannot handle. This can happen if the argument list of the function or stored procedure is too long. Rebuilding the database with a larger page size could prevent this error.

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42WAD Error 2691 -1022L "Invalid value for attribute '%1' in service" The service definition contains a USING, FORMAT, or GROUP attribute with an invalid value.

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42WAE Error 2692 -1023L "Missing value for attribute '%1' in service" The service definition contains a USING, FORMAT, or GROUP attribute with a missing value.

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42WAF Error 2693 -1024L "Unsupported property '%1' in service USING attribute" The service definition contains a USING attribute with an unsupported property.

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42WB0 Error 2694 -1025L "Duplicate attribute '%1' in service" The service definition contains a duplicate attribute.

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42WB1 Error 2695 -1026L "USING attribute cannot coexist with FORMAT or GROUP attributes" The service definition for the specified service type cannot specify a USING attribute along with a FORMAT or GROUP attribute.

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Created May 6, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: