Messages 42W60 through 42W79

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
42W60 Error 2477 -830L "Alias '%1' is not unique" The same alias is used more than once in a select list.

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42W61 Error 2478 -831L "Definition for alias '%1' must appear before its first reference" An expression contains a reference to an alias, but the alias is defined later in the select list. The alias definition must appear before its first reference.

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42W62 Error 2480 -833L "Row in table '%1' was modified or deleted in BEFORE trigger" A BEFORE trigger has updated or deleted the row that caused the trigger to fire, preventing the original operation from completing. The trigger must be re-written so that it does not attempt to change the row via UPDATE or DELETE statements.

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42W63 Error 2483 -836L "Procedure '%1' is no longer valid" A procedure definition cannot be loaded from the catalog. Check for tables or columns that have been renamed or that may be reserved words. If this procedure is an internal procedure, you may have an older version. Database upgrade may be needed to run it successfully.

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42W64 Error 2484 -837L "Trigger or foreign key for table '%1' is no longer valid" A trigger definition cannot be loaded from the catalog. Check for tables or columns that have been renamed or that may be reserved words. The trigger may be a system-generated trigger to enforce the referential actions of a foreign key.

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42W65 Error 2502 -854L "Function or column reference to '%1' in the ORDER BY clause is invalid" You specified a function or column reference in the ORDER BY clause that is semantically invalid. For example, for DISTINCT queries the ORDER BY clause may only refer to items in the query's select list.

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42W66 Error 2503 -855L "Trigger name '%1' is ambiguous" A statement has referred to a trigger name that is not unique. Qualify the trigger name with the table and/or owner name.

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42W67 Error 2506 -858L "CREATE/DROP STATISTICS statement cannot refer to virtual tables" You attempted to use CREATE/DROP STATISTICS to create/drop one or more histograms on a virtual database object, such as a view or remote table. The CREATE STATISTICS and DROP STATISTICS statements can only refer to base tables, local temporary tables, or global temporary tables in the SQL Anywhere database that you are connected to.

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42W68 Error 2510 -861L "Aggregated expression '%1' contains multiple columns of which one or more are outer references" A subselect within the nested query contains an aggregate function whose parameters include an outer reference. In such cases, the outer reference must be the only column referenced in the expression.

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42W69 Error 2511 -862L "The aggregate expression '%1' must appear in either the select list or a HAVING clause subquery" An aggregated expression containing an outer reference must either appear in a select list expression (a subselect), or in a HAVING clause subquery in the query whose FROM clause contains the table with the column being aggregated.

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42W70 Error 2512 -863L "Grouped query contains more than one distinct aggregate function" Two or more DISTINCT aggregate functions were specified in the same grouped query. This is only permitted if the Hash Group By operator is available. Any query block can only contain at most one DISTINCT aggregate function if the Hash Group By operator is not available.

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42W71 Error 2514 -864L "Statement contains an illegal usage of the NUMBER(*) function" The NUMBER and IDENTITY functions can only appear in the select list of the outer-most SELECT block. It cannot be used in any subquery or in a predicate.

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42W72 Error 2907 -1228L "Syntax error, cannot specify IQ specific options (%1) when creating a table in an SA database" An attempt was made to use IQ specific create table syntax when creating a table in an SA database

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42W73 Error 2527 -875L "There is no way to join to '%1'" The server cannot discover a valid join condition involving this table. If the join is an outer join, you may be missing an ON clause. If the join is a KEY JOIN, the server cannot discover a foreign key-primary key relationship with this table that can be used to generate the join condition. If the join is a NATURAL JOIN, the table has no common column names with the table expression it is being joined to.

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42W74 Error 2535 -878L "Index '%1' can not be clustered" You attempted to create a clustered index (including key indexes) but the new index cannot be created, for example, because the table already has a clustered index.

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42W75 Error 2895 -1217L "Synchronization profile '%1' not found" You tried to access a synchronization profile that the database could not find.

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42W76 Error 2901 -1223L "Synchronization profile '%1' already exists" You tried to create a synchronization profile that already exists.

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42W77 Error 2902 -1224L "Synchronization profile '%1' has invalid parameter '%2'" You tried to create or alter a synchronization profile using a string containing an invalid parameter setting.

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42W78 Error 2903 -1225L "Synchronization profiles are not supported for this database" The current database does not have catalog support for synchronization profiles. To use this feature, upgrade your database to the most recent version.

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42W79 Error 2551 -889L "Statement contains an illegal usage of the non-deterministic function '%1'" Non-deterministic functions cannot appear in a CHECK constraint, or any other type of integrity constraint. They may appear anywhere within a query, view, or derived table. However, if an aliased select list expression contains a non-determinstic function, that alias cannot be referred to elsewhere in the query.

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Created May 6, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: