Messages 2200B through 23509

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
2200B Error 2810 -1137L "Escape character conflict '%1'" The specified escape character cannot be used.

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2200C Error 2809 -1136L "Invalid use of escape character '%1'" The specified escape character cannot be used.

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22012 Error 2231 -628L "Division by zero" A division by zero operation was detected.

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22019 Error 2232 -629L "Invalid escape character '%1'" The escape character string length must be exactly one.

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2201B Error 2808 -1135L "Invalid regular expression: %1 in '%2'" The specified regular expression is invalid.

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22024 Error 2237 -634L "Unterminated C string" The last byte of a C string host variable must contain the null character.

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22025 Error 2233 -630L "Invalid escape sequence '%1'" A LIKE pattern contains an invalid use of the escape character. The escape character may only precede the special characters '%', '_', '[', and the escape character itself.

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22030 Error 2719 -1050L "Cannot return NULL result as requested data type" You tried to retrieve a value from the database that was NULL and assign it to a variable that cannot be NULL.

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22W02 Error 2132 -208L "Row has changed since last read -- operation canceled" You attempted an UPDATE (positioned) or DELETE (positioned) operation on a cursor declared as a SCROLL cursor, and the row you are changing has been updated since you read it. This error prevents the "lost update" problem.

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22W03 Error 2217 -608L "Invalid TEXTPTR value used with WRITETEXT or READTEXT" You supplied an invalid value as the TEXTPTR for a WRITETEXT or READTEXT statement.

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22X13 Error 2621 -957L "Invalid preceding or following size in OLAP function" The expression for the preceding or following size evaluated to NULL or a negative value.

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23501 Error 2531 -184L "Column '%1' in table '%2' cannot be NULL. The invalid data was supplied to LOAD TABLE in a data file on line %3" You either have not supplied a value where a value is required or a data conversion was necessary that resulted in a NULL value. The column definition prohibits NULL values or the column is part of a NOT NULL foreign key.

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23502 Error 2126 -195L "Column '%1' in table '%2' cannot be NULL" You have not supplied a value where a value is required. The column definition prohibits NULL values or the column is part of a NOT NULL foreign key.

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23503 Error 2125 -194L "No primary key value for foreign key '%1' in table '%2'" You attempted to insert or update a row that has a foreign key for another table. The value for the foreign key is not NULL and there is not a corresponding value in the primary key

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23504 Error 2378 -733L "Number of columns allowing NULLs exceeds limit" You attempted to create or modify a table definition such that the number of columns that allow NULLS is now more than the limit on such columns. The limit is a function of database page size and is approximately 8*(page-size - 30).

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23505 Error 2127 -196L "Index '%1' for table '%2' would not be unique" You attempted to insert or update a row that has the same value as another row in some column, and there is a constraint that does not allow two rows to have the same value in that column.

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23506 Error 2131 -209L "Constraint '%1' violated: Invalid value for column '%2' in table '%3'" You attempted an insert or update that violates a CHECK constraint. A CHECK constraint is violated if it evaluates to FALSE; it is deemed to hold if the condition evaluates to TRUE or UNKNOWN.

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23507 Error 2373 -729L "The specified foreign key (%1) can not be enforced" You attempted to create a foreign key that cannot be enforced. In order to be enforceable, the primary and foreign table for the specified key must exist on the same server. You can use the UNENFORCED keyword to create a foreign key specification that is not to be enforced.

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23508 Error 2760 -1091L "Constraint '%1' violated: Invalid value in table '%2'" You attempted an insert or update that violates a CHECK constraint. A CHECK constraint is violated if it evaluates to FALSE; it is deemed to hold if the condition evaluates to TRUE or UNKNOWN.

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23509 Error 2888 -1211L "MERGE statement ANSI cardinality violation on table '%1'" You have attempted to execute the MERGE statement and the same row is the target of a WHEN MATCHED clause more than once

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Created May 6, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: