Messages 117 through 128

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLCODE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL Code Msg Type Number SQL State Message Possible Cause
117L Warning 2376 01W15 "Unsupported character set '%1' and unsupported language '%2'; language used is '%3' instead" The character set that the application requested is not supported by the server to which the application is connecting. The language that the application requested is not supported either. Language strings will be sent in the language specified.

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-118L Error 2055 55008 "Table '%1' has no primary key" You attempted an operation that required the referenced table to have a primary key. Examples of these operations include adding a foreign key, or using the ON EXISTING clause of an INSERT statement, while referring to a table that does not have a primary key. You must add a primary key to the referenced table.

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118L Warning 2381 01W16 "Illegal user selectivity estimate specified" You specified a user selectivity estimate that is either not a literal constant or is outside the range 0.0 to 100.0 (estimates are specified as percentages). The estimate has been ignored.

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-119L Error 2056 52009 "Primary key column '%1' already defined" You listed the same column name twice in the definition of a primary key.

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119L Warning 2412 WB011 "Unable to open backup log '%1'" The server was unable to open the backup log to record the execution of a BACKUP or RESTORE statement. Check the settings of the environment variables used to locate the backup log file. The directory to contain the log must already exist.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-120L Error 2065 42W01 "User '%1' already has GRANT permission" You attempted to give GRANT OPTION permission to a user that already has it.

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120L Warning 2384 01W17 "'%1' is an unknown option" You attempted to set the value of an option that is not known to the server.

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-121L Error 2066 42501 "Permission denied: %1" You do not have the required permission to perform the specified action. The message specifies the actual permission required and the object being acted upon.

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121L Warning 2500 01S02 "Cursor option values changed" The database server could not support the requested cursor option values for the associated query. Similar option settings were substituted.

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-122L Error 2067 42W02 "Operation would cause a group cycle" You attempted to add a member to group that would result in a member belonging to itself. The membership may be direct or indirect.

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122L Warning 2529 01W18 "The result returned is non-deterministic" FIRST or TOP n are used in a SELECT statement to limit the size of a result. The statement must also have an ORDER BY if the result is to be well-defined. If it does not have an ORDER BY, then the server is free to return any subset of the result that has the requested number of rows.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-123L Error 2068 42W03 "User '%1' is not a user group" You attempted to add a member to group, but the user ID specified as a group has not been granted GROUP permission.

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124L Warning 2532 01W01 "Invalid data conversion: NULL was inserted for column '%1' on row %2" The database could not convert a value to the required type. The value being converted was supplied to the database in a data file and inserted using LOAD TABLE. A NULL value has been inserted into the column.

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-124L Error 2253 42W44 "More columns are being dropped from table '%1' than are defined" The number of columns in a table can never fall below one. Your ALTER TABLE has more drop/delete column clauses than the current number of columns in the table.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-125L Error 2057 53W01 "ALTER clause conflict" A primary key clause, foreign key clause, or a uniqueness clause must be the only clause of an ALTER TABLE statement.

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125L Warning 2538 01WC1 "An invalid multi-byte input character was encountered when converting from %1 to %2" While the server was performing character set conversion on an input string, an invalid multi-byte character was encountered. The illegal character was directly copied without conversion. Data following the illegal character may be misinterpreted. See on_charset_conversion_failure option.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-126L Error 2058 52W05 "Table cannot have two primary keys" You specified the primary key twice in a CREATE TABLE statement.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-127L Error 2059 53W05 "Cannot alter a column in an index" You may have attempted to delete or modify the definition of a column that is part of a primary or foreign key. You may have attempted to delete a column that has an index on it. In this case, DROP the index or key, perform the ALTER statement, and then add the index or key again.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

127L Warning 2542 01WC3 "Character substitution occurred when converting from %1 to %2" While the server was performing character set conversion on an input string, some characters could not be represented in the database character set. Those characters were substituted. See on_charset_conversion_failure option.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-128L Error 2060 55W03 "Cannot drop a user that owns tables in runtime system" You attempted to drop a user that owns tables while running the runtime server. This operation would result in dropping tables. The runtime server cannot drop tables. Use the full server.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created April 27, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: