Messages QCA91 through QCB11

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
QCA91 Error 20983 -1013091L "Column pairs %2=%3 could not be matched. %1" The columns specified in CREATE JOIN could not be matched in the tables specified.

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QCA92 Error 20984 -1013092L "The MONITOR for this database, connection and buffer cache already exists. %1" A monitor has already been started for this database, connection and buffer cache.

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QCA94 Error 20986 -1013094L "A matching column can not be found for the foreign keys in %2. %1" This message is returned during CREATE JOIN INDEX when the KEY options is used. Be sure that the tables specified in the join have foreign keys pointing to the table in the message.

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QCA95 Error 20987 -1013095L "CREATE JOIN does not support joining joins. %1" This message is returned during CREATE JOIN INDEX when the left hand side and right hand side of a 'FULL OUTER JOIN' keyword set are both joins ie (A FOJ B) FOJ (C FOJ D) the join of a-b is being joined to c-d.

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QCA96 Error 20988 -1013096L "Index %2 could not be created. The datatype does not support an index of %3. %1" You cannot create an index of the type specified for the column's datatype.

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QCA97 Error 21018 -1013097L "Join Index %2 not unique. %1" You have attempted to create a join index with a name of an existing join index

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QCA98 Error 21004 -1013098L " The foreign key %2 participates in join %3 and can not be ALTERed. %1" This message is returned during ALTER when a foreign key that is about to be altered, participates in the join of two tables.

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QCA99 Error 21019 -1013099L "Join Indexes do not support the multipart foreign key found in table %2. %1" You have attempted to create a joined index with a multipart foreign key.

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QCB00 Error 21020 -1013100L "The ON keyword cannot be used in a NATURAL join. %1" The ON keyword cannot be used in a NATURAL join.

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QCB01 Error 21021 -1013101L "You do not have permission to drop this join index. %1" You do not have permission to drop this join index.

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QCB02 Error 21022 -1013102L "User name '%2' does not exist. %1" The specified user does not exist.

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QCB03 Warning 21026 1013103L "JI MATCH E=%1;S=%2;TID=%3;NRows=%4;JID=%5;NTab=%6;Miss=%7;Data=%8" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays the scoring given to each table/join index matched.

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QCB04 Warning 21027 1013104L "JI NOMATCH - Entry=%1, Table=%2, Join=%3" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this join has not been selected.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QCB05 Warning 21028 1013105L "JI MATCH COMPARING - E=%1, MP=%2, JID=%3, Name=%4" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this join is being compared to the others.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QCB06 Warning 21029 1013106L "JI MATCH SELECTED - MP=%1, JID=%2, Name=%3" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this join has been selected.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QCB07 Warning 21030 1013107L "JI MATCH EXACT - This join exactly matches the requested tree" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this join completely replaces the requested tree.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QCB08 Warning 21031 1013108L "JI MATCH - Building Match List for Table ID=%1, Name=%2" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this table will be queried for joins that it participates.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QCB09 Warning 21032 1013109L "JI MATCH - Join Index ID=%1, Name=%2, TopTableID=%3" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this join will attempt to be matched during the match-up process.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QCB10 Error 21050 -1009412L "The INSERT ... LOCATION statement must use a SELECT statement. %1" The INSERT ... LOCATION statement must use a SELECT statement. No other SQL statement is supported here.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QCB11 Error 21051 -1009413L "Secondary server cannot maintain catalog sync. %1" An error has occurred while applying catalog updates from the coordinator. The secondary server must be restarted or synchronized.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created June 15, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: