Messages 1000102 through 1000121

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLCODE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL Code Msg Type Number SQL State Message Possible Cause
-1000102L Error 20762 QDB02 "Cannot update table %2 because it is defined in one or more join indexes. %1" The user cannot update a table that is defined on a join index.

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-1000103L Error 20763 QDB03 "Cannot find an index for field '%2'. Every field must have at least one index. Current IndexCount = %3. %1" This error should not occur during normal operation. Every field in ASIQ will have at least one index (the automatically generated FP index). This error occurs, the operation should be retried. If the error persists, it should be reported to Sybase. Extra information may have been output to the iqmsg file.

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1000104L Warning 20764 01B04 "in join virtual table '%1'%2" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages.

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1000105L Warning 20765 01B05 "%1" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages.

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-1000106L Error 20766 QDB06 "Local temporary table, %2, must be committed in order to create an index. %1" To be able to create an index for a local temporary table, the table must be in a committed state. If this message occurs, the user has tried to execute a CREATE INDEX on a local temporary table that has had data inserted, deleted, or updated that has not yet been committed.

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1000107L Warning 20767 01B07 "For table '%1' in join virtual table '%2', \n%3 left outer rows with %4 columns will be moved (inserted/deleted).\n" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages. The message displays the number of rows moved during an insert to or delete from a join.

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1000108L Warning 20768 01B08 "The DELETE where clause yielded %1 rows, but table '%2' has no data." This is an internal error. This warning should not occur during normal use. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

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1000109L Warning 20769 00B09 "For table %1, join index %2 was modified. %3 rows were deleted." Informational message regarding rows deleted from a table.

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-1000110L Error 20770 QDB10 "The wrong SIndex has been opened for a fast projection index. %1" This is an internal error and should not occur. Diagnostic information has been output to the iqmsg file. If the error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase. The operation that caused the error may be tried again.

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-1000111L Error 20771 QDB11 "The wrong FP Index has been opened for a field. %1" This is an internal error and should not occur. Diagnostic information has been output to the iqmsg file. If the error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase. The operation that caused the error may be tried again.

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-1000112L Error 20772 QDB12 "The EBM on the field's columnDescriptor does not match the column EBM on the FPIndex. %1" This is an internal error and should not occur. Diagnostic information has been output to the iqmsg file. If the error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase. The operation that caused the error may be tried again.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000113L Error 20773 QDB13 "Field %2 does not have an FP index. %1" This error should not occur during normal operation. Every field has an FP index which is created automatically when the field is created. If the error occurs, diagnostic information will be output to the iqmsg file and the operation that caused it may be tried again. If the problem persists, the server should be shutdown and restarted. An occurrence of this error should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000114L Error 20774 QDB14 "CMP index can only be created on two distinct columns having identical datatypes. %1" A CMP index is an index that can be only created on two columns. You cannot create a single column CMP index; nor can you create a CMP index on three or more columns. Furthermore, when specifying two columns, the two columns must have identical datatypes.

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-1000115L Error 20775 QDB15 "You cannot delete from join index %2 in the 'top' table %3. %1" This is an internal error. You cannot delete from the top table in a join. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase

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-1000116L Error 20776 QDB16 "A temporary table cannot participate in a JOIN INDEX. '%2' is a temporary table. %1" You cannot create a join index using a temporary table.

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1000117L Warning 20777 00B17 "The data to be inserted into table '%2', column '%1' cannot be converted to the datatype of the column. NULL will be inserted if the column allows NULLs." The database option CONVERSION_ERROR has been set to 'OFF' for this INSERT. The data to be inserted to the named column cannot be converted to the datatype of that column. If the column allows NULL, then NULL will be inserted instead.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000118L Error 20778 QDB18 "Join index %2 was not found in the catalog. %1" This is an internal error. If this error occurs, it should reported to Sybase.

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1000119L Warning 20779 00B19 "The data to be inserted into table '%2', column `%1' from row %3 of the select results cannot be converted to the datatype of the destination column. NULL will be inserted if the column allows NULLs." The database option CONVERSION_ERROR has been set to 'OFF' for this INSERT...SELECT. During INSERT...SELECT, the data to be inserted to one of the columns cannot be converted to the datatype of that column. If the column allows NULL, then NULL will be inserted instead.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000120L Error 20780 QDB20 "Join %2 was not found in the catalog. %1" This is an internal error. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1000121L Error 20781 QDB21 "binary data not supported on data longer than 32767 %2, %1" The user has input a binary string that is too wide

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created June 15, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: