Adaptive Server runtime

Adaptive Server supports connection to remote servers, including the UAF TDS Service. Typically, you place server names in the interfaces file to establish the remote host name and server port number. Only one TDS listener and one agent can be running on the host. In this example, the host name “MYHOST” is part of the server name, and the designation “_UAF” is appended to the end. The name for the TDS service is “MYHOST_UAF”.

This example shows an entry in the interfaces file representing this server. The syntax of master and query TCP varies depending on the platform and operating system, but resembles the following:

            master tcp ether myhost 9998
            query tcp ether myhost 9998

Adaptive Server uses CIS to connect to the TDS service. Enable CIS by using one of these commands:

Restart your machine to activate CIS.

Adaptive Server needs information on connecting to this remote server. UAF supports many login modules. This example uses an Adaptive Server that is already running, to provide authentication and authorization through Adaptive Server login and user roles.

The login to UAF passes an “@” character to its login name, followed by the Adaptive Server name. An authenticated Adaptive Server login name and password grants access to the UAF, based on established authorization Adaptive Serve roles for that login, and on mapped UAF functionality for that role. The UAFvs1.5 contains these mappings:

Table B-2: Adaptive Server/Unified Agent role mappings

Adaptive Server role

Unified Agent role





An Adaptive Server login with sa_role privileges can access any UAF agent, services, and plug-ins that previously granted access using the roles uaAgentAdmin or uaASEAdmin.

You can use two Adaptive Server stored procedures— sp_addserver and sp_addexternallogin— to connect the TDS remote server to an Adaptive Server. Executing these stored procedures requires a client that can connect to the Adaptive Server database and execute SQL commands. These two commands display the Adaptive Server command line utility isql:

C:\Sybase>	isql –U sa –P Sybase4me –S myserver

sp_addserver MYHOST_UAF
