Enabling Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) encryption

Due to United States export restrictions, Unified Agent does not ship with an RSA encryption provider. Unified Agent has been tested with the BouncyCastle encryption provider. To enable RSA base encryption complete the following steps:

  1. Download the the Bouncy Castle RSA encryption provider.

  2. Register Bouncy Castle with JRE by:

    1. Copying the bcprov-jdk14-124.jar to $SYBASE/shared-1_0/JRE-1_4/lib/ext or %SYBASE%\shared-1_0\JRE-1_4\lib\ext.

    2. Adding the following line to $SYBASE/shared-1_0/JRE-1_4/lib/security/java.security or the %SYBASE%\shared-1_0\JRE-1_4\lib\security\java.security after the line "security.provider.<number>=sun.security.jgss.SunProvider":


      NoteSecurity providers are listed sequentially. Modify next number to be the next sequential number.

  3. From within the Agent Management Console, change the following attributes values in the Security Service:

    encryptionAlgorithm = RSA
    cipherProviderClass =
  4. Restart the agent.