Recovering from a failed prepare_failback

During fail back, if prepare_failback was executed successfully on the secondary companion but the primary companion does not start:

  1. Check the primary companion’s error log and the cluster error log to identify why the server did not start, and correct the problems.

  2. To clear the FAULTED state of the HAase resource, issue:

    hares -clear primaryHAase_resname  -sys  primary_hostname
  3. As “root”, move the primary logical host back to the secondary node:

    hagrp -switch primary_service_group -to secondary_host_name
  4. Log in to the secondary companion and issue:

    dbcc ha_admin ("", "rollback_failback")

    Your companion servers should both be back in failover mode. For more information about dbcc ha_admin, see “dbcc options for high availability systems”.

  5. Reissue sp_companion...prepare_failback on the secondary companion.