Disabling Automatic Archiving for Oracle 12c

Disable automatic archiving for Oracle 12c.

  1. To change the LOG_ARCHIVE_START parameter, either manually edit the server start-up parameter file, or enter:
    alter system set log_archive_start=false scope=spfile;
  2. To check the setting of the LOG_ARCHIVE_START parameter, enter:
    select value from v$system_parameter where name = 'log_archive_start';
  3. If false is returned, the value in the server parameter file has been correctly modified to prevent automatic archiving when you restart the Oracle server. For information about the LOG_ARCHIVE_START parameter or the ALTER SYSTEM commands, see the Oracle Database Reference Guide.
  4. Automatic archiving must be disabled in the active server and when you restart the Oracle server. To stop automatic archiving in the active server, enter:
    alter system archive log stop;
  5. To disable automatic archiving when you restart the Oracle server, change the value of the server LOG_ARCHIVE_START parameter to false.
    Note: If pdb_include _archives is set to false: For redo log file processing after Replication Agent for Oracle is initialized, automatic archiving must never be enabled, even temporarily. If automatic archiving is enabled or if manual archiving is performed, causing a redo log file not yet processed by the Replication Agent to be overwritten, the data in the lost redo log file is not replicated. You can recover from this situation by reconfiguring the Replication Agent to access archive log files. Set pdb_include_archives to true, set pdb_archive_path to the directory location that contains the archive of the file that has been overwritten, and resume. After catching up, suspend the Replication Agent, and reset pdb_include_archives to false.