Subsequent Initialization

After you have initialized Replication Agent for the first time and have subsequently deinitialized Replication Agent using ra_admin deinit, you may want to reinitialize this Replication Agent instance or another Replication Agent instance for a different database in the same primary data server.

When initializing a Replication Agent instance subsequent to the first-time initialization:

  1. Determine the primary Microsoft SQL Server DAC port number, and make sure Microsoft SQL Server allows a remote DAC:
    sp_configure 'remote admin connections', 1

    To execute sp_configure with both parameters to change a configuration option or to run the RECONFIGURE statement, you must be granted the ALTER SETTINGS server-level permission. The ALTER SETTINGS permission is implicitly held by the sysadmin and serveradmin fixed server roles.

  2. Log in to your Replication Agent, and set the pds_dac_port_number configuration parameter.
  3. Configure these Replication Agent connectivity parameters for the Microsoft SQL Server primary database:
    • pds_server_name

    • pds_database_name

    • pds_username

    • pds_password

    For information about these configuration parameters, see the Replication Agent Installation Guide and Replication Agent Reference Manual.

  4. Verify that Replication Agent can connect to the primary database:
    test_connection PDS
  5. Initialize the Microsoft SQL Server data server and Replication Agent:
    ra_admin init