
The character set used in communication with the primary Replication Server.

The Replication Agent default character set must be set to match the primary database's character set. The value of the rs_charset parameter must be set to match the Replication Server character set. If they differ, Replication Agent will do character set conversion before sending data to Replication Server.

Note: If Replication Agent can connect to Replication Server 15.0.1 or later, the rs_charset in Replication Agent is ignored and the RS_charset in Replication Server is used.

If the character set on your Replication Agent is different from the one on your primary database, you need to set the RA_JAVA_DFLT_CHARSET environment variable. The Replication Agent character set must be the same as that of the primary database. For more information on setting the RA_JAVA_DFLT_CHARSET environment variable, see Chapter 2 of the Replication Agent Administration Guide.

Note: Setting this parameter to anything other than the character set of the primary Replication Server causes Replication Agent to do character set conversion before sending data to Replication Server. This will degrade Replication Agent performance.


Defaults to empty string ("").


Any valid Sybase character set supported by the Java VM on the Replication Agent host machine.


  • Use the exact same value as that of the RS_charset parameter in the Replication Server configuration (.cfg) file which is located at: $SYBASE/REP-15_0/install/<instance>.cfg. For example, iso_1.

  • Configure the primary data server and primary Replication Server to use the same character set.

    Note: If rs_charset is not set at the time you try to resume replication, Replication Agent returns an error.

    When the Replication Agent instance is created, the rs_charset parameter is set to its default value "" (empty string).

  • If you specify a valid character set for the value of the rs_charset parameter, the Replication Agent instance sends replicated transaction data from the primary database to the primary Replication Server in that character set.

  • If you do not specify a valid character set name for the value of the rs_charset parameter (including the default rs_charset value ""), the Replication Agent instance will not allow you to resume replication.

  • If the values of the rs_charset and the system default character set are valid but not the same value, Replication Agent converts the replicated transaction data from the system-defined database character set to the Replication Server character set before sending it to the primary Replication Server.

  • See the Replication Agent Administration Guide for more information about setting up Replication Agent connection configuration parameters.