
Supports replication of large identifiers up to 255 characters in length with Replication Server 12.6 and later.




true – objects containing large identifiers may be marked for replication.

false – objects containing large identifiers may not be marked for replication.


  • If pdb_support_large_identifier value is false, when an object (Table/Procedure/Function) is being marked for replication, the object is checked for any identifiers that are longer than 30 characters. An error is returned and the object is not marked for replication if the object has identifiers longer than 30 characters.

  • This parameter may be set to true if the Replication Server being used is at version 12.6 or later and the replicate database can support large identifiers.

  • When pdb_support_large_identifier is set to true, objects being marked for replication are not checked for identifiers longer than 30 characters.