
Configures Replication Agent to automatically create replication definitions at Replication Server when a table or procedure is marked for replication, after initialization. To improve performance, pdb_auto_create_repdefs is ignored during initialization.

Note: The pdb_xlog create command no longer checks the setting of pdb_auto_create_repdefs during initialization. To create replication definitions for all marked tables after executing pdb_xlog create, execute command rs_create_repdef all.

If the version of Replication Server that connects to Replication Agent is 15.5 and later, Replication Agent does not add the replicate minimal columns clause when it creates replication definitions. You can control minimal columns on DSI by using the Replication Server replicate_minimal_columns parameter. If the version of Replication Server is 15.2 and earlier, Replication Agent adds the replicate minimal columns clause to the replication definitions.




true – Replication Agent automatically creates replication definitions at Replication Server when tables or procedures are marked after initialization.

false – no replication definitions are created when tables or procedures are marked.


Note: Replication Agent always assumes that a database replication definition exists for the primary database.
  • The rs_username user must have create object permission before Replication Agent can use it to create replication definitions from Replication Server. You must grant this permission manually from the RSSD.

  • The table and procedure replication definitions that Replication Agent creates assume that a database level replication definition for the primary database already exists at Replication Server. All replication definitions created using pdb_auto_create_repdefs include the send standby clause, which means the replication definition will only be used by Replication Server if there is a database level replication definition or the primary Replication Server connection is for a warm standby configuration. The replication definition created by rs_create_repdef can not be individually subscribed to. If you do not wish to have a database level replication definition or warm standby configuration, you must use a different tool or create replication definitions manually, and not use rs_create_repdef.

  • Replication definitions created by rs_create_repdef will always define the datatypes using available user defined datatypes (UDDs) that are installed in Replication Server. This means that customers using rs_create_repdef should not set Replication Agent configuration parameter pdb_convert_datetime to true, as doing so converts date and timestamp datatypes to Sybase format, instead of UDD format.

  • If this parameter is set to true and when pdb_setrepproc is invoked to mark a procedure or procedures, a replication definition is created at Replication Server for each procedure that gets marked for replication. The pdb_setrepproc command returns a successful status even if replication definition creation fails because duplication of replication definition occurs. However, Replication Agent logs a warning message.

  • If this parameter is set to true and when pdb_setreptable is invoked to mark a table or tables, a replication definition is created at Replication Server for each table that gets marked for replication. The pdb_setrepproc command returns a successful status even if replication definition creation fails because duplication of replication definition occurs. However, Replication Agent logs a warning message.

  • If this parameter is set to true and when pdb_setreptable is invoked to unmark a table or tables, the replication definition is dropped at Replication Server for each table that gets unmarked for replication.

  • If this parameter is set to true and when pdb_setrepproc is invoked to unmark a procedure or procedures, a replication definition is dropped at Replication Server for each procedure that gets unmarked for replication.

  • The naming convention for replication definition is:



    ra$ is the prefix for all replication definition names.

    <rs_source_ds> is the value of the rs_source_ds parameter.

    <rs_source_db> is the value of the rs_source_db parameter.

    <owner> is the user name of the object owner in primary database.

    <objname> is the object name in primary database.

    The maximum length of the replication definition name is 255 characters. Replication Agent truncates the name exceeding 255 characters. It also replaces the last n characters of the replication definition name with the object ID in hexadecimal format, where n is the length of the object ID in hexadecimal.