
(Oracle and UDB only) Identifies the directory path where Replication Agent expects to find archived redo log files (for Oracle) or archived transaction log files (for UDB). When archived redo log files or archived transaction log files are stored in the file system, the configuration parameter is set to a file system path.

Note: This parameter is available only for Oracle and UDB.




For Oracle, a valid directory path on the machine hosting Replication Agent that points to a location where Oracle places the archived redo log files. For example,
Archive logs stored in and managed by ASM are owned by the corresponding unique Oracle database name. If the Oracle database name differs from the global unique database name, you must set pdb_archive_path to both the name of the ASM disk group and the globally unique name of the database in which the archive logs are stored:
You can also set pdb_truncate_xlog to manually remove archive logs. Set the pdb_archive_path to the ASM disk group name, and precede the archive logs to be manually removed with a plus "+" sign.
For UDB, a valid directory path on disk, as defined by the UDB LOGARCHMETH1 or LOGARCHMETH2 database configuration parameter, when it is configured to DISK. For example,
DISK: <path>


  • For Oracle, you must set pdb_archive_path when configuration parameter pdb_include_archives is set to true, and you must set it to a valid location before Replication Agent can be placed in a Replicating state.

  • If Replication Agent cannot find an expected log record in the Oracle online redo logs, Replication Agent will search this directory for the archived log file containing the required record.

  • For UDB, pdb_archive_path must be configured before pdb_archive_remove is enabled (set to true).When pdb_archive_remove parameter is set to true, Replication Agent for UDB deletes the archived log files from the location specified by pdb_archive_path.

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