
Determines whether Replication Agent sends only before image primary key columns, or sends all before image columns to Replication Server for update and delete operations to the replicate database.




true – sends only the before image primary key columns to Replication Server.

false – sends all before image columns to Replication Server.


  • When set to true and a replication definition exists that identifies the primary key column(s) for a table, only the primary key column value(s) are sent for the before image in update and delete operations. Sending only primary key column data reduces the amount of data sent to Replication Server, since only primary keys are used to construct the “where” clauses for update and delete operations.

  • When set to false, before image values are sent for all columns available, regardless of primary key definition.

  • Setting of ltl_send_only_primary_keys to false, is only recommended when additional before image values provide benefit, such as for supporting custom function strings at the Replicate database, or for resolving other issues where additional column data provides benefit.

  • Primary keys are defined within a table level Replication Definition. If configuration use_rssd is set to false, the setting of ltl_send_only_primary_keys has no impact, since Replication Definition information will not be gathered from the Replication Server System Database (RSSD).

  • If you set the value to false, the performance will be slower.

  • If your Replication Agent instance is configured to send minimal column data—column_compression and ltl_send_only_primary_keys are set to true—some column data may be omitted for columns that are specified as searchable in a replication definition. Consequently, errors may occur at a subscribing database where data needed for an insert, subscription migration, or custom function string is missing. Sybase therefore recommends that you enable autocorrection for any table referenced in a replication definition with searchable columns.

Related reference