
Enables or disables the LTL batch mode for the Log Transfer Interface component.




true – enables LTL batch mode.

false – disables LTL batch mode.


  • If the value of the lti_batch_mode parameter is true, the LTI component sends LTL commands to Replication Server in batches, instead of one command at a time:
    • The LTI component fits as many LTL commands as it can into its LTL batch mode buffer, before it sends any commands to Replication Server.

    • When the time interval specified in the dump_batch_timeout parameter expires, the LTI component sends the current LTL batch mode buffer contents to Replication Server, even if the buffer is not full.

  • If the value of the lti_batch_mode parameter is false, the LTI component sends individual LTL commands to Replication Server for each change set in its input queue.

  • When Replication Agent connects to Replication Server, it determines the version of Replication Server:
    • If the Replication Server version is earlier than 12.5, the size of the LTL batch mode buffer is set to 16KB automatically.

    • If the Replication Server version is 12.5 or later, Replication Agent sets the size of the LTL batch mode buffer to the size specified by the ltl_batch_size parameter.

  • If the Replication Server version is 12.5 or later, you can use the Replication Agent ltl_batch_size parameter to set the size of the LTI component LTL batch mode buffer.

    Note: Adjusting the size of the LTL batch mode buffer can help you optimize the performance of the replication system.
  • If the Replication Server version is earlier than 12.5 and the value of the lti_batch_mode parameter is true, if any single LTL distribute command exceeds the 16K size of the LTL batch mode buffer, Replication Server returns an error and Replication Agent goes into Replication Down state.

  • In general, setting the value of the lti_batch_mode parameter to true provides better Replication Agent throughput.