
Truncates unused articles in the RASD.


ra_truncatearticles locator



  • When ra_truncatearticles is invoked, it truncates all non-current versions of all primary database articles in the system data repository older than the version identified by the locator value.

    If the current (most recent) version of an article is older than the version identified by the locator value, it is not truncated.

  • Most common DDL commands and stored procedures executed in the primary database (such as alter table) are recorded in the transaction log, and replicated to the standby database. When it processes those DDL transactions for replication, Replication Agent updates its RASD automatically, creating a new version of the affected primary database articles.

    Use ra_truncatearticles as part of a periodic maintenance procedure to prevent the RASD from growing indefinitely. See the Replication Agent Administration Guide for more information.

    Note: Be sure to back up the RASD using rasd_backup before you truncate it.
  • The ra_truncatearticles command is valid when the Replication Agent instance is in the Admin, Replicating, or Replication Down state.

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