
Returns, adds to, or removes operations from a list of operations to skip during processing. The format of the record locator is database-specific.


pdb_skip_op [
   add , { locator | { scn, thread, rba | lsn } } 
   remove, { all | locator | { scn, thread, rba | lsn } }




  • The pdb_skip_op command allows you to skip problem records, thereby avoiding having to reinitialize Replication Agent.

  • Skipped records are written to the system log as a warning message.

  • The pdb_skip_op command is valid when Replication Agent is in Admin or Replication Down state.

  • The format of the identifier is database specific:
    • For Microsoft SQL Server, the identifier is the RBA and it has the following form:
      • virtualfileseqno is the virtual log sequence number (LSN).

      • pageid is the page number.

      • operationsseqno is the sequence number of the operation.

      You can get the LSN using the Microsoft SQL Server DBCC command, or you can parse it from the locator. For example:
      • LSN in decimal format:
      • LSN in hexadecimal format:
    • For Oracle, the identifier contains the system change number (SCN), redo log thread, and record byte address (RBA). It has the following form:
      wrap.base.sub, thread, lsn.blknum.blkoffset
      • wrap is the SCN wrap number.

      • base is the SCN base number.

      • sub is the SCN subindex.

      • thread is the redo log thread number that the operation occurred on.

      • lsn is the RBA log sequence number.

      • blknum is the RBA block number.

      • blkoffset is the RBA offset into the block where this record resides.

      The values must be specified in the pdb_skip_op command together, as shown above, enclosed in quotes, with each item separated by a period.

      For example:

      ‘0000.012345678.00’, ’1’, ’0012.0000444.0000123’

      All values can be described as hexadecimal by prefixing the identifier with an “0x” as follows:

Related reference