
(Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server only) Returns a list of the owners whose objects will be filtered for initialization; adds or removes owners to or from the list.

Note: This command is available only for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.


pdb_ownerfilter [ {add | remove}, owner ]




  • pdb_ownerfilter can be used to limit the number of objects that are loaded into the Replication Agent System Database during initialization (see pdb_xlog init). When pdb_xlog init is processed, the objects and owners in the pdb_ownerfilter list will not be loaded. You can reduce the size of the RASD and reduce the time to perform initialization by adding owners to the list whose objects are not be replicated, or for owners where the majority of objects are not to be replicated.

    Note: Any object marked for replication (using commands pdb_setreptable, pdb_setrepproc), is loaded into the RASD, even if the owner is not on the list. This list affects initialization processing, but not replication (replication occurs based on marking status, not owner filtering).
  • When pdb_ownerfilter is invoked, its function is determined by the keywords and options you specify.

  • When multiple keywords and options are specified, each must be separated by a comma. Blank space before or after a comma is optional. For example:

    pdb_ownerfilter add, system
  • When pdb_ownerfilter is invoked with no keyword, it returns a list of users whose objects will be filtered.

  • The pdb_ownerfilter command is valid only when the Replication Agent instance is in the Admin or Replication Down state.

  • For Oracle, you cannot remove the “SYS” owner.

  • For Oracle, after initialization you can replicate any object with pdb_setreptable and pdb_setrepproc, except for the following objects which cannot be replicated at any time:
    • Objects that are owned by “SYS” owner.

    • Any system table whose name begins with V$.

    • Any system procedure or package whose name begins with DBMS.

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