

NoteThis command is available only for Oracle.

Returns the sequence replication marking status; marks specified sequence for replication; unmarks all marked sequences or a specified sequence; enables or disables replication for all marked sequences or a specified sequence.


To return sequence replication marking status:

pdb_setrepseq [sequence_name|mark|unmark|enable|disable]

To unmark, enable, or disable all marked sequences:

pdb_setrepseq all, {unmark[, force] |enable|disable}

To mark, unmark, enable, or disable a specified sequence:

pdb_setrepseq sequence_name, {mark|unmark[, force] |enable|disable}

To mark a specified sequence for replication with a replicated name:

pdb_setrepseq sequence_name, repname, mark



The name of a user sequence in the primary database. The sequence_name option can be delimited with quote characters to specify the character case. If mixed character case (both uppercase and lowercase) is required, the name must be delimited. For example:


The sequence_name parameter can be owner-qualified to include the primary sequence owner name, with each element separated by a period. For example:


NoteIf you must use an object name case that does not match the setting of the ltl_character_case parameter, the object name must be delimited. If an object name contains any non-alphanumeric characters, such as spaces and periods, it must be delimited with quote characters. For example, “sequence name” or owner.”sequence name.”


The replicated name of the sequence to be updated at the replicate site, if desired to be different than the sequence name at the primary site. The repname option can be delimited with quote characters to specify character case. See the previous description of the sequence_name parameter for details. By specifying a replicated name, sequence updates can be replicated to a sequence in the replicate database that has a different sequence name from the primary database.The repname option can be owner-qualified to include the replicate sequence owner name, with each element separated by a period. For example:


A keyword that refers to all user sequences in the primary database. By using the all keyword, you can unmark all user sequences, or apply an enable or disable operation to all marked sequences.


A keyword that refers to marking user sequences for replication.


A keyword that refers to unmarking user sequences for replication.


A keyword that refers to the unmark operation. When the force keyword follows the unmark keyword, the pdb_setrepseq command immediately unmarks the specified sequence in the primary database, without first checking the enable status of the sequence. When the force keyword follows the unmark keyword and the all keyword, the pdb_setrepseq command immediately removes replication marking from all marked sequences in the primary database, regardless of their enable status


A keyword that refers to enabling replication for marked sequences.


A keyword that refers to disabling replication for marked sequences.
